February 24 2016

Random Patch of the Week or Something

Random Things That Don't Fit Anywhere Else Kinda Like Me    1 Comment    , ,

I lost track of what number this is.  The third or fourth installment or something.  Anyway, I was looking for some Healthy Living patches and came across this one:

hunger simulation

What?  I first thought maybe it was related to the Hunger Games, but after looking closer, there’s a box of food, so obviously it has to do with the homeless or those in need.  Please note – I am NOT making fun of the less fortunate.  I seriously want to know how you “simulate” hunger.  Make the girls not eat for two days?  Congrats, here’s a fasting patch!  I just think of flights when I hear the word simulation.  Remember that Microsoft flight simulator game?  It always locked up on me, so I never really got to play with it.  Oh well.  Here’s 37 minutes of flight simulators.  SQUIRREL!

So really, if you know what this patch is all about, let me know in the comment section.


  1. By Virginia Himmelheber on

    I imagine it is for the simulation I know as a “Hunger Banquet” where some people get a lovely dinner and some people at the same banquet get almost nothing.


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