June 11 2016

June 11th is Girl Scout Gold Award Day in Athens, GA

Reminiscing    1 Comment    , , , , , ,

Of all of my Girl Scout related memorabilia, the following Proclamation from the Mayor of Athens, GA declaring Sunday, June 11th, 1989 as Girl Scout Gold Award Day is one of my favorites. 

gold award day

I had to scan it in pieces and put it together due to the size of the document in Photoshop, so there might be a little overlap in places.

I remember it said at the time that we were the first ones in Athens to earn the Gold Award (as noted in the Proclamation), but I’m assuming that meant that we were just the first since the 1980 rename.  I can’t imagine that no one in the Athens area from 1928 to 1989 ever earned either the Golden Eaglet, the Curved Bar Award, or First Class.  But still – nine years went by without anyone earning a Gold Award in our city?  I’m a little skeptical now that I’m back in the Girl Scouting world as a volunteer, but supposedly that was the case.

I bet Samona is out celebrating Girl Scout Gold Award Day as we speak. 😉


  1. By Samona on

    Of course I am celebrating Girl Scout Gold Award Day! It’s a MAJOR award! Thank goodness you earned it and didn’t win it.


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