Maybe It’s Me…
I’m not going to get into my thoughts on the whole #banbossy campaign at this point – but don’t worry, I will sometime in the near future and it will take up its own lengthy blog post.
But I came across something today, and I thought – say WHAAA? Maybe I’m way behind the curve on this one and leaders have already been complaining about it. I’m usually late to meetings or coming in like a tornado RIGHT as the meeting starts, so it wouldn’t be past me to be behind the times.
Beyoncé is one of the spokeswomen for the #banbossy campaign, correct?
And then I came across this picture in a recent news article:
Seriously? THIS is who we are putting forth as a spokeswoman for a fluffy PR campaign? (Oops, I’m letting my #banbossy thoughts leak out). How about we #banweirdkinkyleatherjustforshockvalueoutfits? I dunno, maybe it’s

me, but I’m just thinking Beyoncé isn’t exactly who GSUSA should be partnering with when she comes out with stuff like that on. I don’t have a problem with her wearing it ’cause she can wear whatever she wants, but I just think it’s a little eye-raising when GSUSA is using her as an example. Unless the GSUSA online shop is going to start selling those outfits. With the GS logo on the boobs. Then carry on, GSUSA.
On another note, it’s a big ole pain in the booty when someone purposely adds accents and symbols and all that extraneous stuff like the é in Beyoncé when you’re just trying to type up something quickly. I guess I shouldn’t complain since Prince changed his name back from “The Artist Formerly as Prince” aka the funky symbol. I don’t think there’s a Wingding for his former name.