September 19 2018

Junior Think Like a Programmer Rewrite

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This time last year I was up to my eyeballs in national governance and great excitement about the October 2017 G.I.R.L. National Convention!  I have no idea how I juggled service unit and troop responsibilities for the new troop year on top of becoming a national delegate late in the game, how I prepped for the National Convention, and how I kept up with the blog discussion about membership dues.  This year I’ve only (I say ONLY – ha ha!) had just troop and service unit responsibilities, and I’ve still been completely swamped along with my life outside of Girl Scouts going nuts.  I’m squeezing this blog post in while I have a few moments to myself.  Calgon, take me away!

But back to the World According to Girl Scouts.  Summer before last, GSUSA released a set of three STEM Journeys for the Daisy, Brownie, and Junior levels called Think Like an Engineer, Think Like a Citizen Scientist, and Think Like a Programmer.  The activities for these Journeys can only be found in the Volunteer Toolkit (aka VTK).  The Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador levels each received their own set of three STEM Journeys this past summer.  Continue reading