September 4 2023

Where to Find National Programming 2023-24

Troop Leader Resources    5 Comments    , , , , , , ,

A few years ago, the River Valleys council published a great matrix of GSUSA’s national programming with information on where to find the various requirements.  As a leader mentor for my service unit, I found it to be a great resource — especially for overwhelmed new leaders. Since we don’t have a traditional badge book anymore, it’s confusing for leaders who come in expecting to be able to find national programming in one place but instead hear about Volunteer Toolkit (VTK), Journey books, and badge pamphlets.  However, River Valleys never updated their resource beyond that year, so I took it upon myself to do it and added a few features.

“Shop” indicates you can purchase the requirements in the form of a printed booklet (or pamphlet) on either the GSUSA online shop or at your local council store. “Download” means you can download the requirements as a PDF from the GSUSA online store. “VTK” means that activity plans for that particular activity or badge are available through VTK, and “Girls Guide” means the requirements can be found in the retired three-ring binder called the Girls’ Guide to Girl Scouting. “Badge Activity Sets” refers to the packets of badge booklets that were available at one time but aren’t anymore. You can still find them for sale on ebay and Facebook groups though, and there are a few Senior ones left online via the GSUSA shop. Daisy and Ambassador levels never offered Badge Activity Sets.

If you find a mistake or type-o, let me know. This file reflects changes made for the 2023-24 membership year. You do not have to have a Dropbox account to download this file. Just click the “X” in the right corner of the pop-up box and then download the file.


  1. By Gayle Keresey on

    Amy, thank you! Just a note: I discovered there was a new publication for Seniors and Ambassadors. I have not explored them yet. Just an FYI…

    1. By GSWAC-Amy (Post author) on

      If you mean the new handbooks for the C/S/A levels, you are right! I updated the chart to reflect this. The handbooks are just a reprint of what was in the retired Girls Guide binders with a few changes (took out emphasis on Journeys). Thank you for bringing this to my attention!

  2. By Karen Miller on

    Is there a way to get access to the VTK content when you’re not a troop leader? I’m a service unit lead and event coordinator, and access to badge requirements would be helpful for the events I lead.

    1. By Pamm Huether on

      Karen, in our Council, those of us who train volunteers but do not have a troop, have been given access as a “demo troop leader – multi-level”. This allows us to access all badges & Journeys, plan meetings for demonstration, etc. I have found this access helpful when planning multi-level events. I had to ask for the access through my council.

  3. By H. on

    Once again, soooooo helpful!! First year as a leader and being told to start planning the year was far more overwhelming than I anticipated because I couldn’t find things! Love your “memory book” pdfs too.


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