A Pet Peeve of Mine
I keep meaning to really sit down and put some thoughts down about some serious topics lately, but I’ve only had time for these quick hits. Here’s another one!
So if you’re going to some Girl Scout shindig, and you would like to wear something GS (as you should) and your insignia tab at the same time, here’s what it looks like if you try to pin the tag where it really ought to go:

The tab is slap right on top of the GS logo. If I pin it under the logo, then it’s hanging down too low on a part of the female body like some kind of tassel. I was going to make a joke about strip clubs and such, but that would be inappropriate for a Girl Scouts related blog. And Lord knows there’s enough controversy about GS as it is that we don’t want anybody linking to this post and using it for who knows what agenda. ANYWAY, I DIGRESS! If you wear it above the logo, then it’s practically up on your shoulder.
I’ve got a logo in that same spot on all of my “official” GS tops, so this really bugs me every time I put on my tab. So what are you supposed to do? Wear it over the logo? Well, that looks just as goofy as wearing it too high or too low in my opinion.
[yt video=”2r3Xs9sBEVg” width=”320″ /]