Camping Kaper Charts
My friend Samona (ALL HAIL SAMONA) asked me the other day on Facebook how I had time to post on this blog since my youngest daughter is just FULL of energy. It’s a nice break, and I’ve been posting a lot over the summer because I probably won’t get to as much when the school year kicks in. My juniors will be working on their Bronze Award this year, so most of my GS time will be directed toward that goal as it should be.
I’m not sure if Samona knows this or not, but I earned the Gold Award. It’s a major award!
Anyway, I’ve seen other leaders asking for some examples of camping kaper charts. Here’s what we did for our Brownie camping trip. At our meeting prior to the camping trip, we randomly split up the girls into teams, and they came up with their group name. Tip: try to mix & match the girls into groups so that they aren’t working with their best friends all of the time. Here’s the kaper chart:

The leader team was called Team Alpha Super Awesome Cool Dynamite Wolf Squadron. I came up with that one.
I hope this helps! It’s a pretty simplified kaper chart, but it worked out very well for us since we had Brownies at the time.
Addendum 8/22/15: This page seems to get the most hits from searches, so I added another picture of a kaper chart from Tina the Trainer. I have cropped her out since I’m sure she wouldn’t want me posting her picture online.