WOW – some things are completely intersecting and happening all at once. It’s like the Girl Scout trefoil stars are aligning or something (I have no idea what that means – I’m just rambling which I do quite often if you know me well….)! It’s kind of Twilight Zone-like right now.
I always send Mrs. Vickers an annual or semi-annual letter with pictures of my troop and to let her know what we’ve been up to. I recently asked her for the name of the camp we stayed at for the various Ingatherings. I wanted to try to get the names for upcoming blog posts. Marla, Mrs. Vickers daughter (more about Marla later!), sent me a note via Facebook and said she was currently visiting with her mom. She said a Boy Scout camp near Clayton, GA called Camp Rainey Mountain was the name of the camp. But she also said they had been sharing GS memories and talked about going up Big Boy Mountain at the camp.
So it occurs to me – how many Big Boy Mountains are there? I sent a note back asking if by some chance Big Boy was at Camp WaBak and not Rainey Mountain, and she wrote back YES… IT WAS CAMP WABAK….

Holy COW… when I was talking to Lois the other day, she was telling me about WaBak traditions, and I kept thinking, “Wow, I did that too with my troop!”
No WONDER I have had such a fondness for it! WORLDS COLLIDE!!!!!