Another Favorite Newspaper Clipping
Here’s another favorite newspaper clipping from Troop 20. I don’t have a date for this one, but I’m guessing it’s from 1984 or 1985 since Barbara is in it. And how she got to be the one dressed up, I don’t know. She must have drawn the short straw or something. Mrs. Vickers was always big on publicity and submitted our picture to the newspaper whenever possible. (Thanks Mrs. Vickers! Memories!) As you can read from the newspaper caption, we created a costume that was sent to the J-Low Birthplace for one of their sessions. Sometime I’ll share the time when I slipped and was knocked out at the J-Low house. No joke!

Anyway, I really don’t remember much about making this dress or doll, but I do remember the photo shoot. Courtney, Laurie, and I were working on a group project for English class at the time. We were recreating the tea party scene from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. I was the Mad Hatter (natch), Laurie the March Hare, and Courtney the Dormouse. I don’t know who played Alice. Maybe Laurie played Alice and we had a non-GS as the March Hare. But either way, while rehearsing, we could not keep a straight face when Courtney would say, “Treacle.” It would get to the point where we couldn’t continue because we were laughing so hard.
So back to the photo shoot. We get all decked out in our uniforms and Barbara in the costume. Courtney ends up holding the doll. I’m ALWAYS in the back because I’m so danged tall. We line up, and the Athens Banner-Herald photographer says, “Smile!” and I yell out, “Treacle!” which causes Courtney, Laurie and I to start laughing. Well, we ruin the shot. So we have to do it again. And again. And AGAIN! Everybody else starts to get annoyed including the photographer. Finally we get a somewhat good shot, and here it is:
Courtney and I are barely holding it in. I swear somewhere in my scrapbook I had a regular picture of us completely losing it, but I can’t find it now.
FWIW, we got an A+ for our Tea Party scene!