Happy National S’mores Day!
August 10th is National S’mores Day. Yay! Here’s an excerpt from a GSUSA article that also features some more s’mores (see what I did there) recipes:
National S’Mores Day is August 10, and as we all know, s’mores hold a special place in Girl Scout history. Did you know that the first-known recorded version of a “s’mores” recipe can be found in an official Girl Scout publication from 1927? So cool! The recipe is credited to Loretta Scott Crew, who reportedly made s’mores by the campfire for a group of Girl Scouts. Originally called “some mores,” it is unknown when the name was shortened to “s’mores,” but recipes using the longer name can be found in various Girl Scout publications up through 1971.
Here’s the 1953 handbook version from pgs. 280-281:
I know this is heresy for a GS leader to admit this, but I really don’t care for s’mores. It’s the marshmallow part that gets me. I don’t like Peeps either. But I’ll eat one s’more out of principle. Then I’ll secretly snag a Hershey’s bar and scarf it down before anybody sees me.