Poison Ivy Info
We’re nearing the end of summer, but with the start of troop meetings, you may still be getting outside to do some activities. Poison ivy is still out there waiting to getcha! It’s always kind of funny to me how girls (and some adults) back up or refuse to even go any further on a trail or path if I point out poison ivy on the side. I always say, “It’s not going to jump out and bite you! Just don’t walk through it and you’re fine.”

Here’s a Youtube video about poison ivy and how to avoid the rash. If you even THINK you might have touched poison ivy, do what this guy says and really scrub down, especially with a washcloth. Then wash the washcloth in HOT water in your washing machine. (If this is incorrect, please let me know if there is a better way to get rid of possible poison ivy oil on a washcloth.) I personally use Fels-Naptha to wash. It’s got a funny name and most people look at you strange when you ask for it if they’ve never heard of it before. Our Publix carries it, but that’s the only place I’ve ever seen it in person. You can order it through Amazon as well.
Hey Amy,
This is great! I was talking to somebody about poison ivy the other day. They didn’t know anything about it.
Hope you are doing well. I didn’t get time to go by City Slicker Camp.. I would have really like to, maybe next year.
Thanks! We had a great time at City Slickers, and I plan on being a leader for it again next year.