Falls Creek Falls
Then Becky pointed out that it’s just the bottom part of the falls and there’s more above it. I scrambled over some rocks and lo and behold, there was the top part of it. It struck me as the most beautiful waterfall I’ve ever seen, and I yelled out OH MY GAWD!!!! so loudly that I’m sure anybody at Camp WaBak probably heard me.
I started gushing so much about this waterfall that I’m sure at some point I sounded like this guy at :23 :
Just a standard picture does not do it justice or show the perspective, so Becky took a picture of me in it which helps… some. You just gotta see it yourself!
But I forgot to take a video!!! ARGH!
Onto the geocaches! My GPS was all over the place due to the overhead foliage, and we ended up double and triple backtracking a couple of times before we got on the right track. I never could figure out even a general vicinity for the first one, so we moved on to the second one. (Side note: I think it was on the other side of the trail.)
This Creek Cache is probably a fun one to do in the summer when it’s hot outside. But it was cold and so was the water. Long story short, this geocache is easy if you’re standing waist deep in the creek but not when you’re trying to do it by inching your way up the log on your stomach.
I’d also like to mention that Becky took a few pictures of me in this humiliating position, but I will not be posting them. Thanks Becky. Love ya. 😐
I felt like Elsa reaching for the grail in the last few scenes of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, but I was finally able to get to the geocache and back down off the log. I did end up slipping a little bit and stepped into the water about up to my knee. BUT WHO CARES! SUCCESS! IN YOUR FACE GEOCACHE AND ELSA!
We sped on to the third geocache, and Becky found it amongst many very large boulders that Wile E. Coyote would have loved to tip over a cliff onto the Road Runner. Hooray!
We got back to Becky’s car with time to spare. It was a very fun (albeit strenuous) hike and the waterfall was gorgeous. I would really like to go back sometime and see if there’s a way to get to the top and perhaps find that first geocache.
Our Juniors and I were back in the area for our Journey weekend later that week, and you can see the waterfall from the Smith Cabin. You can also hear it as well! Here’s a picture of it from the large field outside the Smith Cabin:
Thumbs up, Falls Creek Falls.
Addendum 12/25/15: Becky sent me the screenshot from her FitBit. Ignore the mileage but check out the number of floors we climbed!