They’re here! 2016 Cookie Memes
Even though I’m not a big fan of cookie season, I do enjoy making memes (just ask my service unit), and it’s become somewhat of a tradition for cookie memes to make their appearance each year. You are more than welcome to use and share these memes on your website, Pinterest board, Facebook, cookie booth, or to plaster them all over your council’s front door. Just don’t tell your council I gave you the idea. I’ve already gotten myself on enough lists as it is. If you’re so inclined, please give out the address of this blog, but it’s neither required nor expected. I just enjoy doing these for the heck of it, and it keeps me out of trouble.
Looking for more memes in the meantime?
And now! I present to you… the 2016 Edition of Cookie Memes! I kinda went crazy this year and made nineteen twenty-two (yes, NINETEEN TWENTY-TWO) of them. I couldn’t help it! The ideas kept flowing! Plus I was at my mother-in-law’s house and really bored. Just click on the graphic to view the full size.
I kicked things off with a preview featuring Steve Harvey. Our council’s prices went from $3.50 to $4 this year, so that’s the main idea for these first few:
That’s it unless I feel inspired again! ‘Cause you know, nineteen isn’t enough as it is. If you have any to share, post them in the comment section!
Addendum 1/3/15: Thanks to Kriste from the GS Gab FB group for this idea!
Addendum 1/8/2016: One more!

Addendum 1/13/16: Even though Sweet Brown’s 15 minutes of fame are over, she can still have her own meme:
Addendum 1/17/16: Boy, for someone that really doesn’t care for cookie season, I sure make a lot of memes.
Many thanks! you did a great job