Troop 20 at the J-Low Birthplace
In 1983, Troop 20 followed our 1982 World’s Fair Excursion with the pinnacle of all Girl Scout trips – a visit to Savannah, GA to the Juliette Gordon Low Birthplace. There are things I remember about our Savannah trip – like the boot glass I got from the Pirates’ House (that I still have!) and being creeped out during the tour after finding out that graves were buried above sea level and at one point floated away during a flood. I remember asking the tour guide later if that white thing floating out in the river was a coffin – which made the tour guide laugh but some in my troop scared to go to sleep that night.
But the thing I remember most about Savannah is what happened at the JGL House. Our troop signed up to participate in an activity which was hosted in one of the outside buildings. What exactly we did, I don’t really know (and you’ll see why). When I went back as an adult, it didn’t look exactly the same as I remembered, so the setting may not be entirely correct. Anyway, it was pouring down rain, and we had to run from one building to another. I was one of the last ones, and I remember running up some wooden stairs, slipping, and going headfirst into the door. Then darkness. Next thing I knew, I was lying inside the building, and through the haze I saw Mrs. Vickers staring at me. She patted the sides of my face and asked, “Amy? Amy? Are you OK?” I blinked a couple of times, and she said, “Whew, I thought I was going to have to call her mother!” Safety-wise? Incident report? Pffftthht. It was the 80s! Nobody had concussions in the 80s! The JGL House employees did give me a bag of ice to put on my forehead and I sat out the activity, so no harm, no foul. Par for the course when it came to me and trips. It was either an accident or illness that got me at some point.
And look at me in this pic! You’d never have known I got knocked out! Or maybe this was before. Anyway, don’t we look so cute?

Of course, it’s not an official Troop 20 event without a newspaper clipping:
P.S. I was going to stick in a YouTube clip from the movie Friday about me gettin’ knocked the something out, but it involves profanity, so you’ll just have to use your imagination or look it up yourself. Sorry. I mean this is a Girl Scout blog and all.
How wonderful to visit The Birthplace… I hope to do that one day. And glad you were OK after that bump!
I dunno… could explain a lot of things. 😉