MY Big News! And It’s Not a Float!
Well, it’s not quite like announcing that you’re going to have a float in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade – it’s even BETTER!!!
Yes, KITTENS!! Three of them! Pfffhhhtt – who needs a boring float when you have kittens? Originally we were going to wait after some trips in August to get two kittens, but a good situation and opportunity came up. You know how that goes. And add in an extra kitten. Go big or go home, I say.
So what are their names? Well, they’ve got Girl Scout related names. WHAT! YOU’RE KIDDING!
So here’s Daisy (the wild one – aka Crazy Daisy):
And Penny (L) and Scout (R):

Wait, where does Penny play into the Girl Scout theme? Well, originally we were counting on just getting two kittens, and I already had the names ready – Daisy and Scout. Then a third kitten entered the picture. What name should we use? J-Low? My husband said no to that one. At one point we had talked about naming them after the Big Bang Theory characters, and Penny just kind of stuck with us. Well… Penny is also the name of my service unit’s CDM, so hey, it’s Girl Scout related, right? I haven’t told her yet that we used her name for one of our kittens. I’m sure I’ll get the same look I normally get when I bring up something that she’s not quite sure what to think – the “I’m guessing that you’re kidding, but knowing you, you’re probably being serious – but I’m not really sure” look. Well, Penny is the sweetest kitten of the three, and our CDM is sweet too. So it’s a compliment. Sigh. Poor Penny. We should just rename our service unit from 639 to the 4077th because I have a feeling that’s what we’re like to our council, so Penny earns every penny of her salary putting up with us. See what I did there? Yeah, that’s the kind of stuff Penny puts up with at our leader meetings.
But enough about our service unit! More kitten pictures!

It was hard the first few days because it brought back memories of Athena and Orion as kittens, but these three became part of our family very quickly, and each one has its own quirky personality. Instead of doing random patch of the day, I might just throw in a random kitten picture of the day here and there.
Plus, with one having the name Penny, we can do this:
Now I just need to get them official scarves.
Aww! We just got a puppy. His name is Scout. 🙂 Sounds like a fun service unit you have!
Defiantly better then a float!