Guess the Retired Badge Game
In case the handful of you who read my blog aren’t aware of it, posts around this time of year really slow down due to my schedule and level of activity. I try to stick one in from time to time, but sometimes I’ll go a while without a new post. I was actually working on one about Robert’s Rules, but it was so dull that I had to put it to the side. I’ll get to it soon. Also, all of the research and reading I did over the past few months for the past series about the 2004 restructure burned me out to be quite honest.
Anyway, this is a topic that’s been on My List™ for a while now. But not The List™. Whatever that means. I think my name is on a few people’s lists, but that’s a different story that we will never tell. Maybe even GSUSA’s List™. I’ll stop now. 😉
Well, now that’s out of the way, let’s move on to less cryptic things such as retired badges featuring cryptic designs. There are two in particular that I remember as a girl that always struck me as odd. I had forgotten about them until I saw one of them pop up on the GS Gab Facebook group where someone asked what the heck this badge was all about. So this idea went on My List™.
Moving on (again), here’s the first one. Try to guess what it was:

Did you figure it out? I call this one the Tasha Yar badge. Poor Tasha Yar. She really didn’t deserve to go out that way. Actually, it’s the Putting It Together badge. I believe the stick figure is putting a giant puzzle together. Or being eaten by the green blob of doom. You’ll find the requirements below this paragraph which were taken from my personal Girl Scout Badges and Signs Junior badge book. You will see that our co-leader at the time initialed the first requirement, but did not initial any others. I’m not sure what that was all about. Also, I just realized that only 5 requirements were checked. I will have to look into this, because I earned this badge (as shown on my Senior sash), and this cannot stand if I did not do the correct number of requirements. This must be remedied! What if my Gold Award is revoked?? Oh noes! It’ll be like all those sitcoms where it’s revealed that the main character didn’t really finish that last course of high school, and so then he or she has to go back to school to OFFICIALLY get a high school degree. Hilarity ensues.
Next up is:
Yep. So what is it? It’s the Art in the Round badge. I believe that is supposed to be a sculptor with a knife sculpting the next great stick figure masterpiece. Or some kind of perverted something. Yeah, we’ll just move on from guessing what it looks like. Here are the requirements for it:
Note the big GOT IT at the top of the page. It’s also got Mrs. Vickers’ signature, so it’s now OFFICIAL. There are quite a few badges where I wrote GOT IT at the top because I wanted to make sure everybody knew that I GOT this badge. But I didn’t do it for all of them, like the Putting It Together badge. Maybe because I really didn’t GET IT? 😮 I’ll make up for this travesty – don’t worry!
I can honestly say I am glad these badges were after my time as a junior. Your descriptions are funny! Lists and more lists…. it’s not whether you are on a list, it why you are on the list. No matter, if you are facilitating change, transparency, and leadership, let the list maker beware!
My DD calls this one Whippa-da-Child. My mom calls it Summoning a Ghostie. Either way, I’m delighted to say my DD just finished earning it.