The Lifetime Membership Dues Amendment Contradiction
Sometimes I feel like I might be getting too cutesy with the titles of my blog posts, so I decided to stick with something that’s more to the point. But now that I’m reviewing this particular one, it reads like a title of a Big Bang Theory episode. Anyway, this is a follow-up post to the one entitled Back to the Future: About 2008 and Membership Dues. If you haven’t read it yet, stop right now and do not continue reading until you’ve read it. This one will make no sense unless you’ve got the background down pat first. Re-reading it is probably not a bad idea either.
Now that THAT’S out of the way – you did read it, right? Where I said that the National Board did NOT have the authority to raise membership dues from $15 to $25 in Jan of 2016? Let’s fast forward to 2017, where a proposal to amend the lifetime membership dues amount has been presented for the upcoming 2017 National Council Session. You can download a copy of all of the proposals here: Early Alert 2017 The proposal in question starts on pg. 16.
I’m not going to walk through it here, because it’s pretty straight forward. Basically the National Board is asking for the Credentials section in the Blue Book of Basic Documents be modified so that lifetime membership dues have a less expensive price tag. Right now it’s set at 25 times the amount of yearly membership dues (did I mention the National Board did not have the authority to raise them in 2016?), and $625 would be crazy expensive.
In and of itself, there’s nothing wrong with this proposal in my opinion, but the National Board contradicts itself when you look at what it’s doing here versus what it did when it voted to raise membership dues all by its lonesome in January of 2016.
Just to review, only the National Council is authorized to modify the Credentials section, not the National Board. The first mention of the lifetime membership dues amount is in the Credentials/Membership Requirements section on pg. 25 in the latest April edition of the Blue Book. It seems to be updated every few months now, but I digress. It’s stated again along with the regular membership dues amounts in the Credentials/Membership Dues and Procedures for Registration section on pg. 26.
The National Board claimed they had the authority to raise membership dues at some point. They didn’t, but just for argument’s sake, let’s go with that train of thought. If that’s the case, here are my questions for the National Board – if you’ve got the ability to raise membership dues and even create a whole new level of them, then why ask for the National Council to vote on amending the lifetime membership dues? What’s the difference between yearly and lifetime dues other than the amount when it comes to governance? If you can change one, then shouldn’t you be able to modify the other without a vote? Why are you asking for a vote now?
Let’s look at this another way!

Does this make sense or seem strange to you? No one ever contacted me with proof showing that the National Board had the authorization to modify the Credentials section after my last post. It seems like it’s all a word of mouth thing wherein people mistakenly think the National Board was given this power by the National Council at some point in time. Or even worse, they believe the false notion that the National Board actually has the same powers as the National Council and can act on behalf of it. I’ve asked multiple times in multiple GS forums, and nobody can even settle on a year as to when this happened. 2008? 2011? 2014? Nobody knows, and they are just assuming what they vaguely remember or what they’ve heard others talk about and aren’t going straight to the source – which is the Blue Book. This sets a dangerous precedent if this is the case. A VERY dangerous one.
So – what to do now? I’m not a national delegate for my council, so I obviously do not have the ability to have any input during the session. But, if you ARE a delegate and you see my point and it also strikes you as odd, please ask these questions, and ask them often. You owe it to not just your council, but to all of us. Please do not just sit there whether it’s during the session or local meetings with your fellow council delegates. And if you ask and don’t understand the answer, don’t be afraid of asking for clarification for fear of looking stupid. Silence means consent. People count on others keeping their mouth shut in order to push through what they want. Guess what? They get away with it every single time that happens. And let’s be honest – we don’t like confrontation, and we don’t want to be seen as a possible troublemaker. But we’re being pretty hypocritical if we as volunteers talk to our girls about standing up for what they believe in and being a leader, but then we turn and tuck tail just because we’re afraid of asking an uncomfortable question for fear of whatever that might be.
The right and correct thing to do would be to invalidate the previous membership dues increase by the National Board in 2016 and put that raise to a vote by the Council. I don’t know the procedure on how that could be accomplished. If that could happen, the record would be set straight, and we could get back on the right governance path. But if the previously unauthorized actions of the National Board, whether intentional or not, are ignored and this proposal is a way to smooth over or cover up past transgressions so that everybody smiles and nods their heads and forgets the bad thing happened, then we are setting ourselves up for a governance disaster down the road that we might not recover from. Ever.
“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” — Alice Walker
Next: But What If There’s an Emergency?
Addendum 7/7/17: Just to reiterate as I did previously, the issue is NOT how much the membership dues are. The cost has absolutely nothing to do with the issue I am raising. It doesn’t matter if the dues were raised 1⊄ or one million dollars – it was an unauthorized modification to the Credentials section of the Blue Book.
Your post is very well thought out and well written. I really appreciate the time you spent deciphering this for everyone! And I totally agree with you, we need people to TALK and ASK QUESTIONS and not settle in silence!!! Or that will be our consent!
I am also not happy with this proposed amendment: Lifetime members pay $400
lifetime membership dues at
the time they become lifetime
members; discounted lifetime
membership dues of $200 shall
be offered to anyone who was a
registered Girl Scout member
before the age of 18 and is
under the age of 30 at the time
of becoming a lifetime
As a 41 yr old volunteer, I would have TOTALLY paid $200 for a lifetime membership. But I’m 11 yrs too old. Focusing on younger members, IMO, cuts out those who 1. can afford to spend $200 on a lifetime membership (which I may not have been able to do so at 30). Also, when I was 30, my daughter was 2.5 yrs old. We weren’t even thinking about Scouts. By the time she was a Daisy, I was in my early to mid-thirties. I bet other moms and volunteers (who are often one in the same) are in the same age-range as me, maybe even older. I think they should reconsider and offer volunteers a one time change at the reduced rate. At this point, my daughter is a freshman in high school, so in theory, I will just pay $100 (for 4 more years of volunteering) and Girl Scouts will most likely lose a volunteer once she graduates. Sure, I will purchase a lifetime membership for her, but it will be years before she will most likely even think about getting back into Scouts… while I might have stayed on at the Service Unit level or volunteered with a troop that needed extra hands.
This makes sense to me. I initially thought that they jumped the price too high at one time, now I can see that according to our rules, they did it illegally. So they need to do a vote by the appropriate group before raising any fees. They either need to vote immediately and pass the fee hike or they need to reimburse everyone who paid the higher fees.
ANYONE who was ever a youth scout should be offered a discounted rate for the lifetime membership. I too looked at it. I have already paid $100 and at most I would be paying an additional $175 spread over the next years she may stay in scouting. It really is too bad the price increase went into effect.
what irritates me aside from this is local councils up their fees on this everytime too. Ours Locally for next year are 25 per adult and 35 per girl. But I know some councils not far from here it is 30 per adult and 50 per girl. I think they need more regulation over this portion to maintain equal costs. They claim it is the costs to personnel to process the new apps/renewals. But if I got paid $10 to $20 per paper processed would be rich and you know council staff really are not getting paid this much.
Interesting. Our council (GSCNC) does not charge an additional fee – it’s just the $25 registration fee. Im grateful we don’t have that extra fee bc that would REALLY hurt girls joining!
Ouch! I didn’t know they could charge any additional fees. GSCP2P only charges the national fee.
– It seems the solution to declining numbers is to make loyalty expensive-anyone thought of moving out of New York headquarters to a less expensive location for head office? Also talking of dues try being in the overseas units – our girls are currently charged the national fee and an overseas council fee it is $45 total this year for the girls – adults do not pay the additional Council service fee which all goes to HQ.
My 22 year old daughter finally received her lifetime packet this year 4 years after it was purchased on earning her Gold Award -she has been a member since Daisies, As a volunteer I am also unable to qualify for any reduction in fees after years of volunteering to run 3 troops all for 13 years each and still to receive the paperwork for my youngest who i purchased the half price Lifetime membership for her on achieving her Gold Award in September. Good luck trying to make any changes.