Death Spiral

You might remember a storm from this past winter named Grayson that caused quite a bit of concern. I live in South Carolina, so we weren’t really affected by it like they were up north. To be honest, I doubt I would have even paid much mind to all of the attention it was getting on the news. Except this wasn’t just any ole winter storm – it was a BOMB CYCLONE! I guess naming winter storms a la hurricanes wasn’t sensational enough, so we’ve got to come up with attention-grabbing terms like BOMB CYCLONES! Next thing you know, we’ll have SHARKNADOS!
A friend of mine and I were chatting during that time about the upcoming bomb cyclone. We both agreed that it would be an awesome name for a band. And a thrash metal one at that! So what does all of this have to do with the title of this blog post? Nothing really except I think Death Spiral would also be great thrash metal band name. Continue reading