My Printer Weeps… For Joy!
On the heels of my last
complaint report about how printing one of the Journeys found in VTK clear cuts forests in one fell swoop, a fellow leader from my council brought to my attention a random file that she found while searching for something else. It looks like a catalog published by GSUSA, and it’s called Girl Scout Essentials 2018-19.
She also pointed out that this catalog includes a resource that’s related to something I have been complaining about researching for a while now. In fact, one particular post from last December about my frustration with the lack of printer friendly resources has the most views of any post on this blog, so it’s definitely struck some kind of nerve with volunteers. It’s called Twelve Page Pet Peeve and it details how aggravated I get when I see something published by GSUSA that I want to print, but doing so would eat up an entire ink cartridge. But I try to be one of those people that brings something to the table if I criticize point out an issue, so I wrote a follow-up that includes a mock-up of a Brownie awards log so that someone – anyone – could see what I was talking about.
Fast forward to today. I realize this might have been done inadvertently, but behold on pg. 13 of the GS Essentials catalog:
OK, it’s not exactly the same, and it’s not an awards log per se, and I’m guessing it’s aimed at volunteers kinda sorta, but it’s close enough. And you can print it on 8.5″ x 11″ paper!
The file has council in the filename so maybe it’s just a catalog that was sent to councils to pass on to volunteers as a reference. But this is exactly what I was looking for when it comes to a list of awards. Just take off the order numbers.
There’s one for each level (pgs. 12 – 17). I took it upon myself to pull these pages into their own PDF, and you’re welcome to download them from my Dropbox:
Page 18 features the Award Pins from all levels minus the Junior Aide award which is nowhere to be found in the catalog. But it isn’t a pin. And that’s probably why it was left out. Poor Junior Aide. It’s never invited to the cool parties. Here’s the Awards Pin printout (pg. 18) as a separate PDF file:
Regardless of whether making these pages printer friendly was intentional or not, now let us do the Dance of Joy while I print these off and put them in my very large three ring binder that I had to buy because things don’t fit into the original Girls Guide to Girl Scouting notebook anymore!
Well written, as always! Thank you for all the research you do!
is there up dated one. I know brownie philanthropy badge is retired?
They make pdfs for every level now that are updated every year: