This is a topic that’s been beaten to death everywhere else, but I’ve never gotten around to it here on the GSWAC (not a council) blog.* And that is the word…
Yes, the dreaded and hated word of volunteers and GS alumnae everywhere. And as featured in the title of the ubiquitous Customer Engagement Initiative (CEI). If you aren’t sure what CEI is all about, it’s basically a web-based technology developed by GSUSA. The components we see as volunteers are the website framework, the online membership registration system known as MyGS, an Opportunity Catalog in which parents can search to see what troops are available and have openings in their area, and a troop management system called Volunteer Toolkit (as featured in many inane videos on this blog). Almost every council in the United States including Overseas is on CEI at this point with the exception of the rogue councils Farthest North and Middle Tennessee.
When GSUSA and councils began to use the word customer a few years ago, volunteers everywhere got a strange look on their face and thought, “Huh? Who are they referring to?” Later on we realized, “Wait… WE’RE the customers?” Continue reading