February 19 2019

Junior Think Like an Engineer Rewrite

Troop Leader Resources    4 Comments    , , , , , , ,

I finally got around to finishing the Junior Think Like A … Journey Trilogy series by completing the Junior Think Like an Engineer Journey.  Like the others, I took the set of 6 sessions from Volunteer Toolkit and slimmed it down by reformatting and removing any duplicate material.  You can also find the original set from the Farthest North council’s website.  This UNOFFICIAL rewrite includes all of the additional handouts and GSUSA survey in an appendix.  It’s been consolidated from 125 to 35 pages!  Your printer will thank you.

And so, without further ado, here it is!  Please let me know if there are any type-os or missing information in it.  Junior Think Like an Engineer Journey Rewrite

Looking for the other two Junior Think Like A … Journeys in the series?

I’ll be creating other UNOFFICIAL guides in the future, and you’ll be able to find them here.  I’m not sure if I’ll be doing any other Journey rewrites, but never say never!



  1. By Lorien on

    Under Brainstorm and Design, a missing letter: Communities all over the world need to build structures–ike homes, schools

  2. By Fathima on

    THANK YOU !!! THANK YOU !!! Your rewrite helped me understand the journeys so much better and it is so precise, it gives me the confidence to pursue the journeys with my scouts. Why Oh why couldn’t the council come up with a format like yours 🙂 Appreciate it a lot !!

  3. By KMach on

    Nothing happens when I click on the link foe the rewrite? Is it supossed to be a pdf? Thank you!

    1. By GSWAC-Amy (Post author) on

      Both are loading OK so maybe it’s opening a new tab for you somewhere else?


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