We briefly interrupt this non-membership dues related post to announce that the
Alaskan Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the Farthest North Council over GSUSA. Overwhelmingly. The case will sent back down to the lower court with a ruling on the GSUSA Constitution, and all that’s left is for the lower court to determine the financial relief. I had been working on this blog post when the court ruling popped up suddenly. I wanted to acknowledge it but know that I will be following up with a blog post solely about the ruling and my take on it. It might be a couple of days because there’s a lot to cover. And real life gets in the way as always!
This will be a quick hitter, but I just wanted to share that I’m creating a YouTube series. I try to present some sort of enrichment after each of our service unit leader meetings, but not everybody can make them. Last year, I sent out a survey to our service unit asking how they wanted to receive UNOFFICIAL trainings, and I was surprised at the number who wanted a webinar format. Well, webinars are hard to schedule, so instead I thought I’d record my presentations instead. I figured recording them live at the meetings wouldn’t be very effective, so maybe I’d try out recording the presentation directly from my laptop the same way I recorded the goofy VTK & You! videos and see how it went. See, those VTK videos weren’t all for naught! That’s what I’m telling myself at least. Continue reading