The Early Alert for the 2020 National Council Session
Well, it’s here. The Early Alert for the 2020 National Council Session has arrived. What’s the Early Alert you ask? Usually in February before the National Council Session, the National Board and GSUSA release what they intend on presenting as proposals and a discussion topic.
There are four – count ’em – four proposals regarding everybody’s favorite topic – membership dues. I believe they are determined for “membership dues” to go to the top of the GSWAC (Not a Council) Tag Count. Right now it’s at #26.
So here’s what you’ve been waiting for: 2020 NCS Early Alert
And here’s the list of proposals:
- Establishment of a Task Force to Examine the Feasibility of a National Gold Award Scholarship Foundation
- Constitutional Amendment on Consistency in Delegate Terms
- Constitutional Amendment on Membership Dues
- Adoption of a Procedure for Communication on Dues Actions by the National Board
- Membership Dues Increase Restriction
- Lifetime Membership Discount
The discussion topic is “Girl Speak Out on Membership Dues.” I’m kidding. It’s just “Girl Speak Out.” Should that be “GirlS Speak Out?” Or “Girl, Speak Out!” Or is “speak out” slang for something, and it’s one specifically for girls? I’m not sure what the deal is there.
Here is my Early Reaction to the Early Alert after briefly reading through it:
I probably won’t start writing about the proposals until late spring or so. I can already tell it’s going to be an undertaking. Here we go again.
I have OFFICIALLY designated the White Rabbit as the OFFICIAL Membership Dues mascot. I love that it’s Disney and we’re gonna be in Orlando, the home of Disney. It doesn’t take much to amuse me.

Addendum 2/20/20: If you’re looking to become a National Delegate or you’re going to be one for the 2020 NCS, be sure to read through this primer on Girl Scout Governance that gives you the run down on what you need to know!
I believe the “Lifetime membership discount” is one of the best ideas that has been proposed. I think a person that has continuous membership for more than 25 years should get a reduced rate. Members with over 40 years should get the lifetime membership free!