Earlier this year, I wrote a War & Peace version of why I believe the National Council should have sole authority over membership dues with an accompanying post about how the National Board & GSUSA’s version of the membership dues timeline in the 2020 National Council Session Workbook is false. My friend Amy D and I also recorded a webinar for the fun of it recapping things. We lip sync and the presentation is neat looking, so if you have 22 minutes to spare, check it out.
But I realize a lot of people don’t have the time to read a lengthy explanation or watch a webinar about why Proposals 2 through 4 should be shown the door. So National Delegates who need a short recap, this post is for you. Everybody else, if you agree with it, please forward this to your National Delegates and/or raise these points when you meet with them (and hopefully you do). This message has to get out via grassroots channels because many Facebook groups no longer allow links to blogs, whereas GSUSA and the National Board have direct contact with ALL delegates via email, their council leadership, the delegate website, webinars, and regional meetings.
So here are my seven reasons why Proposal 2 should either be amended to naming the National Council as the ONLY authority or why it should not pass as written. I also speak to Proposals 3 & 4. I’m going to be very, very blunt, but I just want to cut to the chase for time’s sake. If you want a more diplomatic version and more in-depth rationale, read the first one. Also I’m going to write short rebuttals for some statements I’m seeing out there. I promise I will keep this one short. Buckle up. Continue reading