Want to Find Out What’s Going On With Our Movement?

During every National Council Session, there’s something called the Stewardship Report that GSUSA and the Office of the National Board put on. It consists of highlights and findings along with the finance report for the past three years between National Council Sessions. They also peer into the future and discuss strategies and priorities. It’s much like what you’d see at your council’s annual meeting, but on a national scale.
Unless you’ve been under a rock, you know that this year’s National Council Session is virtual. The dates are October 23 – 25th. Well this whole time, I’ve been assuming that the Stewardship Report would be a part of the weekend. I got a look at the schedule, and all of it consists of business meetings. So I wondered where the Stewardship Report went! And the keynote speakers? You know, all of the things that make up the NCS in addition to the business sessions? We were promised that having it virtually would be taken just as seriously as if we were there in-person. I’ve had serious qualms about all of this, and not seeing the Stewardship Report during the weekend gave me even more of an uneasy feeling as to how this will all play out. As the Star Wars gang said, “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”
Then, I caught wind that the Stewardship Report was going to happen sometime in September. What! That’s right around the corner! Would it only be available to National Delegates? So I said enough of this – I’m going straight to the source. We had an interim CEO last year, and her favorite word that she used with me was “directly.” As in, I was supposed to go to her “directly,” and she would call me “directly.” (And she did.) So I thought I would just take a page out of her book and go “directly” to the Office of the National Board and maybe get some answers. I did, and I received a very nice and prompt response.
I won’t copy & paste the email, but here are the highlights:
- It’ll take place September 9 from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. ET.
- It’s open to any currently registered member of Girl Scouts.
- Registrants will be cross-checked to verify MY2020 membership.
- Once verified, they’ll be sent a link to join the webinar.
- National Delegates and Alternates have a separate registration process and should go through their council’s delegate coordinator.
- It will be recorded, but it will only be posted in the National Delegate website (access is restricted to National Delegate & Alternates only).
- Keynote presentations will be announced soon (as separate webinars).
The email also said this information and a link to the registration was sent out earlier this week to councils and that I should ask my council for the link.
Meanwhile, I had also emailed NCSSupport@girlscouts.org and asked about it. Here was their answer:
Hi, Amy.
The Stewardship Webinar is available to all members. Below is the registration information. Hope to see you there!
I clicked on the link and noticed that the deadline to register is SEPTEMBER 4TH!!!!! So drop what you’re doing now and register if you want to know what we’re doing on the national level! But why are we just now finding out about this? What if some councils never send this out to their membership? The email I received from the Office of the National Board stated it would be publicized on social media, but seems to me like we’re cuttin’ it a little close!
So I’m getting the word out, and I hope you will too.
Addendum: I asked about the PDF booklet that goes along with the Stewardship Report, and here’s the answer I got: “Thanks for the question. The Stewardship Report PDF will be available after September 3rd on the NCS page of the GSUSA website for interested folks to review in advance of the webinar. “
4 – 5 pm ET, on a Wednesday… for most of the country everyone will still be at work, and this is the second day of school for anyone who starts the day after Labor Day! In California, it will be at 1pm… on a Wednesday! Come on! Its Virtual. You don’t have to do it when the the entire country is at work and internet speeds will be strained.
Thanks for sharing the information. I agree with Betsy, if we truly want our volunteer and girl members to have awareness and knowledge of this content, this would be widely promoted and available at 7pm eastern so that the majority of the membership can attend. There’s a strategy to not promoting and scheduling at this time – and to NOT sharing the recording to all members. And it’s not a good one. SMH.
I am sharing this on several Unofficial sites. I am very glad you found out about this. I have registered for it, and hope MANY Volunteers and other GS Members will be there. Thank you for all your hard work. It is appreciated by many, I know.
I registered for it. I normally get out at 4pm but if I have to get a little bit before, by golly I will do that! I enjoy things like this. Ironically, our in-person kickoff is that night at 6pm. Yikes!
I have registered, but have not received a confirmation of registration and Membership. I have been a Lifetime member for ever. Will be interesting to see what happens.
Pam – I did get a confirmation from Eventbrite when I registered – did you get that? I haven’t gotten a confirmation of membership though. I assume they’ll start verifying them after the deadline.
The Stewardship Report is now available to members at https://blog.girlscouts.org/2020/08/update-on-our-55th-national-council.html
Oops.. it is not a clickable link, but you CAN register for the session about the Stewardship Report.
Are you talking about the downloadable Stewardship Report? I don’t see it on that page.