We Interrupt This Blog For a Brief Announcement
Breaking: A Request for Information and Parliamentary Inquiry are now allowed as interrupting motions during the 2020 National Council Session! In case you missed the background story, go here! For the new set of Standing Rules, download them here: GSUSA-55th-NCS-Standing-Rules_Revised

I’m all about the questions. It’s a running joke that I always come with my plethora of questions to meetings. Once a certain someone who travels around to different councils was grilling me as to why I asked so many questions. What was my motivation, she asked? Our Service Unit Manager was with me and said, “Amy is just one of those people who likes to know things for the sake of knowing.” The certain someone rolled her eyes as she often seemed to do with me for the short time she was with us. But back to the original topic. THANK YOU for listening. That’s one less amendment we’ll have to sit through. In fact, it looks like there’s no limit to any interrupting motions from what I can tell. Continue reading