A Fall Product Sales Surprise!
In case you’re unaware, Girl Scouts sell more than just cookies! We also run a fall product sale involving nuts, candy, magazines, and whatever knick knacks are in the catalog. Every year there’s a collectible tin filled with chocolate mints (that I must say are very good). I’ve gotten one each year that I’ve been a leader, and I have absolutely no idea what I’m going to do with all of them. Some I use for SWAPs and others for patches that I haven’t sewn on yet. The rest go up in the attic for some later use (aka collect dust), much to the chagrin of my husband. This year’s featured a Brownie uniform.
I ordered one of the tins from my daughters, and after the fall product came in, I left it in the box for a while after we delivered the other orders. The other day I pulled it out, and when I went to take the cellophane off to eat the delicious mints, I noticed something. The troop number of the Brownie uniform is… TROOP 20!!!!!!!!! Continue reading