Middle Tennessee Gets an Offer It Can’t Refuse
In early May, the Middle Tennessee council filed a lawsuit because GSUSA is going to pull its charter due to Middle TN’s refusal to adopt a common IT platform called CEI, which is short for Customer Engagement Initiative. Believe or not, I’m going to write about a lawsuit that does NOT involve Farthest North! Shocker! Although, GSUSA is pulling FN’s charter for the same reason, so they are sort of related. Originally, I wanted to wait and incorporate GSUSA’s response to Middle TN’s case, but it has 60 days to respond after the lawsuit was filed, and I’m impatient and didn’t want to wait that long. So here we go.
Before you continue reading, I highly suggest that you first read my previous blog post called We’re Spending HOW Much on IT? if you haven’t already, because it will give you some perspective and background on CEI, how much it costs, and what it is. Continue reading