October 31 2022

The First Step

Traditional Stuff    2 Comments    ,

Since I launched this blog in 2014, I’ve always made it a point to post something on March 12th and October 31st for obvious reasons. Admittedly, sometimes the date sneaks up on me, and I scramble to try to find something at the last minute.  I usually look to copies of Leader Magazine or various other books and what not to see if something inspires me.  I came across this short blurb in the October 1931 edition of Leader Magazine, and I found it especially apropos, especially lately.

Our Founder

We do not want to let this number of THE LEADER go to press without saying a word about our Founder, Mrs. Low, whose birthday is on October 31st.

Despite the earnestness that Juliette Low put into life, she had the rare ability to relieve even serious things by a humorous perception of human nature, including her own.

Some of you may remember her once describing, at Macon, Georgia, the façade of Notre Dame with the figure of St. Denis represented with his head in his hands. The story is that after he was beheaded, he took up his head and started off, remarking, “C’est le premier pas qui coute.”  She said she often remarked that she was like that saint and that her family thought she was a pretty headless sort of thing. Nevertheless, she had taken the first step and found out for herself that after that first step all the others came easily. She went on to say that everybody’s step was necessary in Girl Scouting, and that, although it had been her privilege to take the first, every single one of the girls present must feel that their steps were worthwhile and counted for the whole organization.

I’ll just leave that right there, especially the last sentence.

P.S. “C’est le premier pas qui coute” translates to “It’s the first step that costs” for those of us who don’t par-ley too frahn-say.


  1. By Cheryl on

    Bien dit, il faut le répéter.
    …”every single of of the girls* present must feel that their steps were worthwhile and counted for…”

    * to include volunteers who are in fact the boots on the ground WITH the girls who are in the best position TO HEAR the girls.

    Que l’avenir soit meilleur pour Girl Scouts USA grâce à ce blog.

  2. By Margaret Seiler on

    Thank you, Amy! I appreciate your posts more than I can say.


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