The Late Alert is Released!

The Late Alert has been released! What’s the Late Alert you ask? It’s really called the Early Alert, and it’s a document that lists the preliminary proposals that will be included at the 2023 National Council Session. The proposals’ text and rationale and the National Board’s rationale as to whether or not it supports the proposal are included. The Early Alert also states what the discussion topic will be. I’m calling it the Late Alert now because normally an Early Alert is released about 8 months before a NCS, but this one came out with only 4 months to spare. You can find the Late Alert along with a corresponding memo about proposals that weren’t selected here on
The proposals will include:
- Constitutional Amendment: Allowing the possibility of virtual attendance for National Council
Sessions and for Special Sessions of the National Council - Constitutional Amendment: Amend the Girl Scout Promise and Law to use more potent,
actionable language - Constitutional Amendment: Formula for Delegates
- Constitutional Amendment: Timing of Delegate Allotment
- Constitutional Amendment: Council Representation on the National Board
- Constitutional Amendment: DEIRJ Language Proposal
- Girl Scouts Gold Award Scholarship Fund
These proposals are listed in alphabetical order and not necessarily the way they will be presented on the agenda. The order will be determined once the NCS Workbook is released in May. The discussion topic will be “Democratic Process and Delegate Voice” which obviously is right up my alley. As I mentioned in my last post, I am very happy to see this topic come to the forefront. It’s a conversation that is sorely needed.
I’ll be reviewing some of these proposals and the discussion topic and giving my thoughts on them closer to the NCS, so stay tuned!
What do they mean by “potent, actionable language”?
THAT the Preamble of the Constitution of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America be amended
to delete the words “try,” “to,” and “do my best” and to insert the word “will.”
Current Wording Proposed Amendment If Adopted, Will Read
On my honor, I will:
Serve God and my country,
Help people at all times,
And live by the Girl Scout Law.
I will be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and
do,and will respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place,
and be a sister to every Girl Scout.
I guess they feel like using the word “try” is wishy washy. Personally I disagree, and I wrote about it here: