October 31 2023

Happy Founder’s Day!

Random Things That Don't Fit Anywhere Else Kinda Like Me    No Comments    , ,

Happy Founder’s Day!

I always make an effort to publish something on both March 12 and October 31 for obvious reasons. Today’s is just a quick hitter with some news that you most likely are already aware of if you stay “in the know” with Girl Scout news.

In 2025, our own Juliette Gordon Low is going to appear on a quarter as a part of the American Women Quarters Program! I wonder what Daisy would have said if she were told that she was going to appear on our national currency? She’d no doubt have some sort of funny quip.

Last Friday, GSUSA announced that the next National Council Session and National Convention will be held in Washington D.C. July 20-25, 2026. It’ll be another hot one it seems! I’ve been to D.C. twice – once with my troop when I was 10 or 11 in 1984 and the other time as a chaperone on my oldest daughter’s 5th grade trip in 2016. I got food poisoning when I was with my troop, and the 2016 trip was such a nightmare that I asked for a refund or at least part of my money back! Assuming I go, maybe the third trip will be the charm.

Speaking of governance, GSUSA recently announced that the Movement Governance Action Team has been created. You can read all about it on GirlScoutGovernance.com. Good luck to those on the team! I’ll be very interested to see what comes out of this.

October 1 2023

Activity Plans for the Robotics Badges

Troop Leader Resources    1 Comment    , , , , , , , ,

Some of the most popular posts on my blog are the consolidated Journey plans that I created for the Junior Think Like A _____ series. I believe that there are a lot of leaders who want to access the material, but they don’t want to have to wade through and struggle with Volunteer Toolkit (VTK) in order to find it. So, I decided to do the same with the Robotics badge series for all levels since the booklets that you buy in the store or online don’t offer anything in the way of well… anything, really. Continue reading