Updated Badge, Journey, and Award Summaries for 2024-25
It’s that time of year! I’ve published the Badge, Journey, and Award summaries for all levels for the 2024-2025 membership year. These PDF files are a combination of what you’ll find in GSUSA’s Badge Explorer, except that I streamlined the designs to make them more printer-friendly and added the additional awards found in each level.
Note that these aren’t meant to be replacements for the badge requirements. These only give a brief summary of each step, and I created it so that girls and leaders could easily browse through the badges and awards all in one place to get an idea of what they wanted to work on. To find the actual badge requirements, you’ll have to reference either the badge pamphlets or Volunteer Toolkit (VTK) activity plans.
Here’s what is new for the 2024-2025 year:
GSUSA recently updated the First Aid badges for all levels including new designs (except for Daisies, which doesn’t have a First Aid badge). Requirements were tweaked slightly, and new badge booklets can be found at the GSUSA online shop and your local council shop. I’m assuming activity plans in VTK were updated as well, but I haven’t confirmed that. I also changed the font to Palatino to match the current GSUSA branding, plus I also updated some of the bridging requirements to remove Journey references as reflected in the recent handbooks. I also updated the World Thinking Day award to 2025’s version.
You can download each level below. You do not have to log into Dropbox or request access in order to download the PDF files. To access the file, click on the X in the pop-up box, and then select the Download icon in the top right corner.
Retired badges and badge designs: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pti0fhz4nfsszxifokhjc/Retired-Badge-Summaries.pdf?rlkey=3pg086isk26e8mpyt29najp40&dl=0
If you want an editable version, just email me at amy@dawgtoons.com and let me know what level you’d like!
This is so incredibly helpful! Thank you for doing this!
Whoa! Exactly what we needed for our planning meeting!! Thank you for making this helpful reference!!