September 8 2024

CME History: A Writer Comes to the Rescue

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The pen is mightier than the sword. — Edward Bulwer-Lytton

Back in 2016, I started a series of blog posts about the history of two GSSC-MM camps with one being Camp Mary Elizabeth (CME). CME is one of only a few camps left in the United States located in the middle of urban sprawl and is home to a very rare wildflower. Back in 1999, CME was in danger of being sold, but some folks in the community took action to save the camp from development.

I recently became reengaged with CME due to the wildflower restoration grant that we received earlier this year, and while working on the project, Tina’s husband and I started up a conversation about CME’s history and how close it came to being sold. Steve told me about John Lane, a poet and Wofford College professor who helped lead the charge to save CME through his writings. This piqued my interest, so Steve said he’d send me one of the essays Lane wrote plus an article about them. Here’s the article (click to see a larger version): Continue reading