About Me

My name is Amy (Moore) Brown, and in the 3rd grade in 1981, I joined Girl Scout Troop 20 in Athens, Georgia. Little did I know at the time how much of a difference it would make in my life. My troop leader was also my 3rd teacher – but more about her later in the blog! I stayed with my troop all the way up to Seniors (there was no Ambassador level at the time), and four of us earned our Gold Award in 1989.
Currently, I’m a troop leader for Troop 2562 in Simpsonville, SC and a council-wide Trailblazers group that partners with the council with programming. I’ve been a leader since the fall of 2010 starting with first year Daisies. My oldest daughter just graduated in June of 2023, so right now, I’ve got Seniors left.
Currently, I serve on our service unit team as the service unit manager and as a SU delegate. I also served as a National Delegate for the 2017 National Council Session. Additionally, I’ve led trainings on parliamentary procedure and governance for other councils’ delegations (both local delegates and National Delegates). I am also the administrator and one of the writers for the website GirlScoutGovernance.com. Two friends and I established Friends of Camp WaBak, an association of Camp WaBak supporters which partners with our council to support WaBak. I also serve as a trainer and facilitator and co-founded the Trailblazers M2M program at our council.
Since I have been through the Girl Scout program as a girl and now as a leader, I am a true believer in what the Girl Scouts program can provide. My goal as a GS leader and volunteer is to give back to others what I have received from Girl Scouting.
When it comes to perspective, I feel like I can offer a somewhat unique one. As I mentioned before, I went through the entire program from start to finish – Brownies all the way through Seniors (the highest level at the time) and earned Gold. However, from the time I earned my Gold in June of 1989 to when I started as a volunteer in August of 2010, I was out of pocket. The only interaction I had with anything Girl Scout related was buying cookies at booths during that time. So fast forward to 2010 – I started as a Daisy leader after the mergers, as the Journeys came on board, and as the old badges were retired. I pretty much started as a volunteer knowing nothing else other than what memories I had as a girl.
I began this blog in the spring of 2014, and it’s just a way for me to express my opinions, experiences, random thoughts, ideas, and memories about Girl Scouts. I also enjoy writing about the histories of Camp WaBak and Camp Mary Elizabeth, two longtime camps in the GSSC-MM council. I like OFFICIAL scarves too. And Blue Books.
I probably should stick this in here as a warning:
If you would like to reach me, you can email me at amy@dawgtoons.com. Please note that press or media requests will be turned down. I am not a member of any group nor do I represent one. I speak only for myself in this blog with personal opinions and commentaries – some positive and some not so positive. At times I am critical of GSUSA and councils (and even volunteers at times!), but that in no way means I am critical of the Girl Scout Movement as a whole, and I do try to put forth what I feel are workable solutions. I write about these things in the hopes that I can contribute to some kind of volunteer perspective on what works and doesn’t work. Or at least I used to hope that. Now I just write because I enjoy writing, and I have no expectations as to what comes of it.
Disclaimer: Any opinions expressed in this blog do not reflect the views of my previous council (Northeast Georgia), or current council (SC – Mountains to Midlands), or any future council I might be in, or GSUSA, or my service unit, or my troop, or my cats.