December 10 2018

Encampment Rain, Rain, Go Away

Experiences as a Leader    5 Comments    , , , , , , , , , ,

This post took a little bit longer to write than I had anticipated, but I’ve been working on some time consuming projects not to mention running two troop levels!  But much earlier in the year I stated I wanted to write more about our troop and our adventures, so here we go.

For the past few years, our service unit held our encampment at Camp Pisgah, which is part of the Peaks to Piedmont council.  Our encampments are well attended, so we normally take up the entire camp and that makes it hard to get one scheduled.  We hadn’t held one at our home camp called WaBak since 2013, so we tried once again and was able to land a date this past May.  We were all very excited to be able to come back “home.”

We didn’t have a theme for this year’s Encampment, so each troop was in charge of planning their own activities.  I am usually a procrastinator, but I was so excited that I planned our weekend two months ahead of time!  And even included a schedule!  Additionally, I put together a list of activities for our service unit that can be done at WaBak.  I was PUMPED!  Continue reading

November 13 2018

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! 2020 Proposal Info is Here!

National Governance    3 Comments    , , , , , , , , ,

If you’re new to the topic of national governance in Girl Scouting, you’re probably wondering what the title of this blog post means.  Every three years, the Girl Scout Movement holds a meeting called the National Council Session in order to conduct business on a grand scale.  The next one will be October 21st through the 25th in Orlando.  I don’t know the exact dates of the Session itself within that time range, but we’ll find out closer to the date.  Continue reading

October 31 2018

To You, Girl Scouts

The Grand Scheme of Things    1 Comment    , , , ,

Daisy with the Silver Fish. This award symbolizes the fish that swims upstream against the current instead of one that allows itself to flow with it.

Happy birthday J-Low and Happy Founder’s Day!  This message comes to you thanks to the lovely Ann Robertson who pointed out the History section of GS University via one of her blog posts.  Thanks Ann!  Unfortunately, it looks like the History portion of this website didn’t get very far, and I hope GS University in general isn’t going away because I think it’s a good start to something.  Maybe it can get a new makeover and integrate with whatever mega-system GSUSA is creating right now.

But back to the History section of GS University!  There’s not much on it, but there are a few neat entries like this one featuring a letter from J-Low in an The American Girl magazine issue from 1925 which features a nice surprise at the end.  Continue reading

October 9 2018

This and That

Random Things That Don't Fit Anywhere Else Kinda Like Me    4 Comments    , , , , , , ,

There’s no overall theme or topic here other than to catch everybody up on some outstanding questions and updates to the blog.  And some random and nonsensical thoughts about whatever.

GSWAC (Not a Council) Survey Update

GSWAC (Not a Council) Surveys went into early retirement. No GSUSA pension plan though.

I decided to ditch the GSWAC (Not a Council) Survey series.  For them to have any validity, I need at least a thousand respondents at the very minimum.  The two largest Facebook groups – one with 29,000 members and the other almost 19,000 – do not allow polls to be posted.  In fact, one doesn’t even allow links to blogs!  I had to really scrape and beg to get over 800 for the last survey, so I think it’s going to be too hard going forward to get what’s needed in order to make this series worthwhile.  I’m bummed, because I thought it had a lot of potential, and I know the answers were used by people in various levels of Girl Scouting.  And I had gone to the trouble of making a cool graphic for the series too!  Oh well.  Continue reading

September 19 2018

Junior Think Like a Programmer Rewrite

Troop Leader Resources    5 Comments    , , , , , , , , , ,

This time last year I was up to my eyeballs in national governance and great excitement about the October 2017 G.I.R.L. National Convention!  I have no idea how I juggled service unit and troop responsibilities for the new troop year on top of becoming a national delegate late in the game, how I prepped for the National Convention, and how I kept up with the blog discussion about membership dues.  This year I’ve only (I say ONLY – ha ha!) had just troop and service unit responsibilities, and I’ve still been completely swamped along with my life outside of Girl Scouts going nuts.  I’m squeezing this blog post in while I have a few moments to myself.  Calgon, take me away!

But back to the World According to Girl Scouts.  Summer before last, GSUSA released a set of three STEM Journeys for the Daisy, Brownie, and Junior levels called Think Like an Engineer, Think Like a Citizen Scientist, and Think Like a Programmer.  The activities for these Journeys can only be found in the Volunteer Toolkit (aka VTK).  The Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador levels each received their own set of three STEM Journeys this past summer.  Continue reading

August 23 2018

A Moment of Silence, Please

Random Things That Don't Fit Anywhere Else Kinda Like Me    2 Comments    , , ,

Today I came across the 2018 GSUSA catalog, and before opening it, I felt a disturbance in the Girl Scout Force.  As if millions of navy blue uniforms suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.  I fear something terrible has happened.  And it has.

The Polka Dot OFFICIAL scarf has apparently been discontinued and is no longer available.
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August 20 2018

WaBak Patches, Plaques, Porches, and Parks

Traditional Stuff    No Comments    , , , , , , , , ,

It’s WaBak time again, y’all!  Here’s an update with all sorts of WaBak tidbits!


If you haven’t seen the WaBak patch collection I’ve got going on, take a peek!  I add new ones (or old ones!) when I run across them, so be sure to visit the page every now and then.  I recently added the 2018 camp edition:

Thanks for the pic, Sarah!

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August 17 2018

My Printer Weeps… For Joy!

Experiences as a Leader, National Operations    3 Comments    , , , ,

On the heels of my last complaint report about how printing one of the Journeys found in VTK clear cuts forests in one fell swoop, a fellow leader from my council brought to my attention a random file that she found while searching for something else.  It looks like a catalog published by GSUSA, and it’s called Girl Scout Essentials 2018-19.

She also pointed out that this catalog includes a resource that’s related to something I have been complaining about researching for a while now.  In fact, one particular post from last December about my frustration with the lack of printer friendly resources has the most views of any post on this blog, so it’s definitely struck some kind of nerve with volunteers.  It’s called Twelve Page Pet Peeve and it details how aggravated I get when I see something published by GSUSA that I want to print, but doing so would eat up an entire ink cartridge.  But I try to be one of those people that brings something to the table if I criticize point out an issue, so I wrote a follow-up that includes a mock-up of a Brownie awards log so that someone – anyone – could see what I was talking about.  Continue reading