December 15 2016

Robert’s Rules

Delegate Duties    1 Comment    , , , , ,

This is a post that I wrote a few months back and for some reason never got around to publishing.  It’s appropriate now with the national convention coming up.  I hope it is also helpful for volunteers serving as delegates for their local councils.

So, here we are again with a topic that everybody just gets amped up about.  I’m so excited.  And I just can’t hide it.  I’m about to lose control and I think I like it.

I’m talking about Robert’s Rules of Order.  What is that?  Who is Robert?  And why is he so OCD?  This is another entry in the category Delegate Duties, a hopefully helpful guide to those of us who are council delegates and are doing our best to figure out what the heck we’re supposed to be doing.

You can find a more thorough explanation and more in-depth articles about Robert’s Rules on the Parliamentary Procedure Primer found on
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November 28 2016

Happy Belated OFFICIAL Thanksgiving Day Parade!

National Operations    2 Comments    , , , , ,

Sunset in Alapaha
Sunset in Alapaha

It’s a few days after Thanksgiving, and I’ve just gotten back from the strange and mysterious world of no WiFi.  Yes, believe it or not, there are places in this world where homes have NO WiFi!  Our family’s farmhouse in very rural South Georgia is one of those places.  But you can get 4G service if you have Verizon, so all is not lost.  You just have to watch your data usage.  But a very nice trade-off is seeing the Milky Way Galaxy and gorgeous sunsets, so I don’t mind going without WiFi for a couple of days.  Continue reading

November 11 2016

Guess the Retired Badge Game

Random Things That Don't Fit Anywhere Else Kinda Like Me    2 Comments    , , ,

In case the handful of you who read my blog aren’t aware of it, posts around this time of year really slow down due to my schedule and level of activity.  I try to stick one in from time to time, but sometimes I’ll go a while without a new post.  I was actually working on one about Robert’s Rules, but it was so dull that I had to put it to the side.  I’ll get to it soon.  Also, all of the research and reading I did over the past few months for the past series about the 2004 restructure burned me out to be quite honest.  Continue reading

October 19 2016

Volunteer Essentials Pet Peeve

Experiences as a Leader    6 Comments    , , , ,

Welcome to the next installment of Pet Peeves, where I vent about irritations I deal with as a volunteer.  This isn’t the typical stuff like parents and paperwork, but more about things that GSUSA or councils do (or don’t do) that makes things just a little frustrating for leaders.  Or a lot frustrating, depending on my mood.  But – I do try to offer some kind of solution after I complain about whatever it is that’s bothering me, so hopefully I can be of some help.

As a side note – during this past year’s City Slickers summer camp, I was telling my co-leader about situations I always seem to get mixed up in.   She said to me, “Have you ever noticed that anytime trouble breaks out and you’re involved, at some point you say, ‘I was just trying to help!'”  So sometimes my help is not the best thing in the world.   Continue reading

October 12 2016

Inclusion and the Importance of It

National Governance, National Operations, Opinions    8 Comments    , , , , , , , , ,

Before I begin, I would like to reiterate something I said in my last opinion blog post about the 2004 restructure.  I know there are those who say that we need to put the past behind us and move forward.  I agree to a certain extent.  However, putting the past behind you doesn’t mean you should forget or disregard it, because if you do this, you run the risk of repeating or not fixing your mistakes and continuing down the wrong path.  C.S. Lewis speaks to this in the following quote from Mere Christianity:

We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place you want to be and if you have taken a wrong turning, then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man. We have all seen this when we do arithmetic. When I have started a sum the wrong way, the sooner I admit this and go back and start over again, the faster I shall get on.
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October 1 2016

And the FINAL Final Tally Is…

Experiences as a Leader    2 Comments    , , , , ,

leader-timeBack in June, I tallied up the hours I had put toward Girl Scouts from October 1st to May 31st for the 2015-2016 year.  I decided to keep logging them to see what the FINAL tally for the entire 2015-2016 Girl Scout fiscal year (Oct 1st – Sept 30th) looked like with the City Slickers summer camp numbers and the start of the troop year included.  Continue reading

September 23 2016

Rainbow Falls

Hikes & Outdoors    No Comments    , , , , ,

Hiking ComicQuestion:  How do you get Amy Brown to shut up?  Answer:  Take her on an extremely difficult hike when she is out of shape.

It’s starting to cool off (kinda) here in the South, and that means hiking season is back!  My hiking partner extraordinaire Becky and I kicked things off by picking apparently one of the most difficult hikes out there.  GO BIG OR GO HOME!  We discussed where we were going to go the weekend prior, and I felt drawn to Jones Gap, which is part of the Mountain Bridge Wilderness Area and very close to Camp WaBak.  Just down the road, in fact.  I suggested the hike to Becky and mentioned that it was listed as “Most Difficult” on the trail guide thinking that she would say, “Eh, let’s not be so ambitious for our first hike.”  But instead, she said, “Sounds good!” and a little voice in my head said, “Don’t do it!”  I smugly ignored this little voice and thought it couldn’t be that bad because I had been on plenty of difficult hikes before.  Continue reading