At National Center West, you could choose from a long list of various activities and sessions. One activity that I participated in was a hike to a river. Unfortunately at the time, I had one of those cheap Kodak 110 cameras that took horrible pictures at the time that look even worse now. I’ll scan some in from time to time, but just know that there’s really not a lot that I can share. Continue reading
Farthest North GS Council Website Header Graphic
While doing looking up Council’s Own badges, I came across the Farthest North Girl Scout Council website, and I just have to say that I love the header for their website! Love the aurora borealis and snowflake graphics!
FWIW, I think my girls would have a hard time earning the Dog Musher badge here in South Carolina.
The Old Girl Scout Leader
A fellow service unit team member came across this and sent it out to everybody (thanks Debbie H!). It’s not attributed to anyone, so right now I’ve got it as anonymous, but if you know who wrote it, please let me know and I’ll update!
The old Girl Scout leader had lived longer in the service unit than any of the others. She was so old that her patch jacket was filled – even on the sleeves, her mess kit was dented, her sleeping bag was flat and she had a special room in her house just for her Girl Scout supplies. Continue reading
1982 World’s Fair, Part One
Remember the 1982 World’s Fair in Knoxville? No? What’s a World’s Fair? Do they still have them? Apparently they do – although it looks like they get cancelled every once in a while. In the summer of 1982, I was almost nine years old, and I remember there being a lot of buzz about THE WORLD’S FAIR and how big of a deal for it to be hosted by Knoxville, home of the Tennessee Volunteers (no comment coming from this Georgia Bulldogs alum). Continue reading
2015 Thinking Day – Bengal Tiger Tail Swap
Our service unit always puts on a Thinking Day event, and I’m sure yours is similar. We’ve done countries a million times, so for the past few years, we’ve had variations on Thinking Day. For example, last year we highlighted countries’ holidays. Each troop can pick one (or two – or three!) different ones to present. Continue reading
GS Troops Across the Country
GS Troops across the country are right now figuring out what the heck to do with all of these leftover boxes of Cranberry Citrus Crisps that we’re stuck with. Snack time, girls! Or field trip to the closest lake, and let’s feed the ducks and geese! But even they may think they are too dry.
Maybe trade another troop that uses Little Brownie Bakers for their leftover Rah Rah Raisins? Or freeze them to sell next year as “retro” cookies! I kid, I kid. But not about the snack time and feeding the ducks.
Cookie Memories from NE Georgia
Growing up, my troop was the #1 top seller in our council for 7 years 5 years straight (as confirmed by Mrs. Vickers). As I mentioned in a previous post, we had two ringers in our troop that were always neck and neck with each other as to whom was going to be the top seller in the council. I think one year there was a girl in a different troop that actually sold more cookies than Caroline or Jenny. It was as if we entered into an alternate universe for that whole year. Craziness! But I guess the other girl couldn’t deal with the pressure, because the next year, Caroline and Jenny were back to switching off for the #1 and #2 top seller and order was restored in the world. WHEW! Continue reading
It Doesn’t Take Much to Amuse Me
Happy World Thinking Day!
If I were to design a patch for World Thinking Day, it’d look like this:
So Happy World Thinking Day! ::ponders World Thinking Day::