April 13 2014

First Camping Trip – Day One

Experiences as a Leader, Hikes & Outdoors    1 Comment    , , , , , , , ,

Camp Mary ElizabethSo after finally gathering up the courage and waiting for my girls to get old enough, we took our 2nd year Brownies (and one junior) on a “dress rehearsal” camping trip this past weekend to Camp Mary Elizabeth.  I call it a dress rehearsal, because not only was it most of the girls’ first time camping, it was also my first time planning one.  I’ve been on many a camping trip in my life, but I never planned one before.  I took Sleep Out training three years ago and a refresher course at last year’s Mountain Magic, so I was pretty excited and nervous at the same time.  But if things just absolutely fall apart, we have CME’s lodge as a backup.

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