November 28 2021

Camps Aren’t Optional

Opinions    7 Comments    , , , , , , ,

A little over two years ago, I raised a question to our interim CEO at the time about one of our camps.  I thought maybe I could get an answer since I never got one from our previous leadership. It prompted a meeting, of course.  In it, we had a general conversation about the sale of camps.  Our interim CEO stated in basic terms that people only want to hold onto camps because of their fond memories from the past.

She is wrong.  Continue reading

November 15 2021

Press Your Luck: IT Expenses and a Whammy

National Governance    9 Comments    , , , , , , , , ,

Back in May, I wrote a blog post about GSUSA’s IT expenses called “We’re Spending HOW Much on IT?”  This post serves as a follow-up, so it would really be best if you take a few minutes to read Part 1 if you haven’t already before continuing so you can see how this all fits together.  I’ll wait here while you do so.  It’s not that long, I promise.

<<waits for a few minutes>>

Welcome back. Continue reading

November 10 2021

Almost OFFICIAL Scarf

Random Things That Don't Fit Anywhere Else Kinda Like Me    1 Comment    ,

A few months ago, many OFFICIAL scarves went on sale at the online GSUSA shop, including the “It’s How Much!?!” OFFICIAL scarf (it’s now down to $60 if you’re interested).  I wondered if this meant any new ones were headed our way.  The lovely Ann Robertson sent me a message last week and said she saw a new one in a council shop.  So I pulled up the GSUSA store website, and lo and behold:  Continue reading

October 31 2021

Our Founder Sends You a Birthday Message

Traditional Stuff    1 Comment    , ,

I always make it a priority to publish something on both March 12th and October 31st, for obvious reasons.  Sometimes I’ll catch the date of Juliette Low’s death, like this one from January 17, 2017.  It ties into the following post.  That entry included a message from the preface of the 1933 Handbook and referenced a 1924 letter.  Along the way, I found the 1924 letter!  It was published in an edition of American Girl that same year.  Here’s the text of the letter: Continue reading

October 18 2021

Network Alignment: The Next Frontier

National Governance, National Operations, Random Things That Don't Fit Anywhere Else Kinda Like Me    2 Comments    , , , , , ,

<<Karen Layng, the National President of GSUSA, steps to the podium at the 2023 National Council Session in Orlando.>>

KL: Thank you, fellow National Delegates, for passing our most important work at this National Council Session which was raising membership dues by 50% and removing the 25% guardrail in the Blue Book to give the National Board and GSUSA complete control over membership dues with no boundaries. And now, we come to the next portion of the National Council Session to give you a status about something we’ve been laser-focused on this past decade, which is Network Alignment. Network Alignment forces… I mean… places all of our councils onto a common IT platform, whether it works or not. Yes, we’re bleeding money, and yes, membership is in crisis, but NETWORK ALIGNMENT!!!! And we are proud to say that we are finally ALL under alignment!

<<The National Council applauds.>>  Continue reading

September 23 2021

I Wrote a Strongly Worded Letter

National Operations    4 Comments    , , , , ,

Yes, believe it or not.  I did, and the recipients were the National Board, Karen Layng (our National President), and Judith Batty (our interim National CEO).  Again.  But this time, it was regarding Volunteer Systems 2.0 (or as I’ve called it in the past, CEI).  Last week, I got a wild hair and posted an open letter to the NB in the Convention Chat Facebook group basically stating that they need to get off their heinies and do something about how poorly the registration process is designed and executed in Volunteer Systems 2.0 because it’s costing us members.   It was very off-the-cuff.  I am not a big fan of open letters but I just felt like getting it off my chest.  A couple of people encouraged me to send it to the National Board office, but I declined because I felt like I’d get ignored and therefore it would be a waste of time.  The thinking was (and still is) that if council CEOs and staff are getting blown off regarding VS 2.0, then of course I would be too. Continue reading

August 28 2021

Kinda Sorta Maybe OFFICIAL Scarves!

Random Things That Don't Fit Anywhere Else Kinda Like Me    10 Comments    , , ,

If you’ve followed this blog for even a short period of time, you might have noticed that there’s some kind of weird obsession thing going on with OFFICIAL scarves.  There is a background story to it if you’re so inclined to find out what the deal is with it.  Well, I am not the only one who has an affinity for OFFICIAL scarves!  The OFFICIAL Scarf Showcase! clocks in at #12 when it comes to total views on the GSWAC (Not a Council) blog, so it’s obviously one of the more popular posts!

One of the later additions to The OFFICIAL Scarf Showcase! was a gallery of OFFICIAL scarves created by various councils.  Or are they truly OFFICIAL since they’re not released by GSUSA?   As the UNOFFICIAL OFFICIAL keeper of OFFICIAL scarves, I declare they are, and they shall henceforth be known as Council’s Own OFFICIAL scarves.  So go forth and release those Council’s Own OFFICIAL scarves, councils!  You have my full blessing!  These had better not go the way of Council’s Own badges or there will be another strongly worded letter headed GSUSA’s way.  Just sayin’.  Continue reading