October 1 2016

And the FINAL Final Tally Is…

Experiences as a Leader    2 Comments    , , , , ,

leader-timeBack in June, I tallied up the hours I had put toward Girl Scouts from October 1st to May 31st for the 2015-2016 year.  I decided to keep logging them to see what the FINAL tally for the entire 2015-2016 Girl Scout fiscal year (Oct 1st – Sept 30th) looked like with the City Slickers summer camp numbers and the start of the troop year included. 

I don’t think these numbers really reflect “normal” for me, because last year was a very hellacious one.  I started up a Daisy level, I had no co-leader for the Juniors (and thereby no one to split the work with), we completed a Bronze Award project, and we went on a number of trips.  It also included some other non-leader craziness.  As I said in the last post, I don’t think I will have nearly this many hours next year because I now have a co-leader for Cadettes (yay!) and the newly bridged Brownies are up and running.  We are in the process of adding a Daisy level, but I am not heading that up except for making sure the paperwork has been completed and processed.

These hours do not reflect any time I spent writing this blog, running errands specifically for GS (no telling what the number would be if it included this!), or the time attending the Mountain Magic leader weekend.  And of course TALKING to other people about GS is not included either.  I’d probably have broken MyHours.com if I had.

So the FINAL final number was:

601.33 hours!

This averages out to 2.43 hours a day.  Wow.  I was at 2.55 hrs a day back at the end of May (407.46 total hrs), so you can tell I took the summer off [sarcasm].

Here’s the breakout.  Click on the picture to see a larger version.  You can read specifics about what these categories consist of in my last post.  I ended up combining all of the subcategories for the service unit into one.



I put about 78.4% of my time toward girl specific categories (City Slickers & Troop hours).  The rest is what I consider non-girl like being on the service unit team, delegate duties, planning my church’s Scout Sunday, and attending various focus groups and trainings.  I am glad to see that the vast majority of my time is spent toward girls.  They are what this is all about!

Here’s a more detailed breakout:



City Slickers’ hours are both planning and the actual camp combined.  The camp itself was about 56 hrs which does not include time sleeping.  Meetings refers to troop meetings and not service unit or delegate ones.

I’m going to start a new year October 1st and see where I am in May and this time next year!   I’m curious to see what a somewhat “normal” year will be like.  Knock on wood that I have one.  My hours this past year inspired this meme:


Even though I am pointing out how time intensive GS was for me this past year, I would not trade any of the time I I spent doing this.  It was worth the stress and sacrifice if it made a difference in someone’s life.


  1. By Glynis P DeVerry on

    Congratulations on all the work you do. It may not always seem like it is for the girls. But sum of the activities you do are your choice. Big a delegate is a great activity, but you don’t have to do that to b have a troop. I mean to minimize what you did. It isn’t easy be a leader in Girl Scouts.

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