June 1 2016

And the Final Tally Is…

Experiences as a Leader    No Comments    , , , , , , ,

Preface:  I just read through this and I am such a nerd.  Good Lord. 

I’ve mentioned it before, but last year at the end of May, our council asked us to fill out a survey and estimate the number of hours we put toward Girl Scouting.  I guessed 300.  My husband thought it would be more, so out of curiosity, I used an online app called My Hours to count them.  I started at the beginning of October (well, really mid-October and estimated the first half) and measured them through the end of May. 

I also broke down the number of hours into categories and from there into specifics if necessary (’cause I’m nerdy like that, and I really wanted to see how much time I was putting toward our troop):

  • Troop
    • Trips, Events, Cookie Booths
    • Paperwork and Planning
    • Meetings
  • Service Unit
    • SU (team and leader meetings, research, website updates, etc.)
    • Registrar (the majority of this work was done in September)
    • Resource database (this thing)
  • Delegate
  • City Slickers Planning (I’ve been slack on this but it’s starting to come together Marla, I swear 😉 )
  • Other (Scout Sunday related and Volunteer Resource presentation)

thepriceisright1I put a post on my Facebook timeline asking for guesses and the person with the closest number would win a box of Thin Mints that I had saved from cookie season.   It’s like The Price is Right showcase but instead of A NEW CAR! you’d get cookies!  What a deal!  And there was no Spin the Wheel.  And definitely no mountain climbing yodeler, because when I was little, I would get so stressed out when he would come close to the ledge.  I COULDN’T TAKE THE TENSION!  IT WAS TOO MUCH!  A friend of mine said that he would actually get up and turn the channel (back before remote controls) because he couldn’t stand to watch the yodeler go over the edge.  Squirrel!

Anyway, onto the numbers!  My final tally was:


This doesn’t include any time writing this blog, creating the cookie memes, running errands for GS related “stuff”, research for a specific topic, or sleeping during overnights.  Or talking about GS.  I also didn’t include the Mountain Magic weekend.  It’d probably be double if all of that was included.  I’d like to add that this was a very busy year with me doing a lot of work that probably would have ordinarily been done by two people.  I put in a lot more delegate hours than normal too.  I don’t think I’d be near this in a usual year.

So here’s the breakout.  You can click on the image to view a larger version of it if you can’t read the numbers:

overall clients

client hours

overall categories

categories hours

I’m going to continue counting to the end of September to see the total for the full fiscal year.  The City Slickers camp just itself will be 56 hours!

So any guesses as to what the final total will be? Eleventy billion?

I leave you with this (I CAN’T WATCH!!):

P.S.  Many of my friends had guesses close to 1000 hours.  1000 hours??  A 40 hour work week would be 1280 hours!  Do they think I’m some kind of freak or something?  Don’t answer that.

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