The OFFICIAL Scarf Showcase!
It’s been really serious around here lately what with white papers and all, so it’s time for some zaniness. And what could be zanier than OFFICIAL SCARVES?? FYI – in case you aren’t familiar with my blog:
And in case you’re new to what my deal is with OFFICIAL scarves, you probably should read this first. But if you think my membership dues timeline is thorough, wait until you read:
Before I begin, I’d like to thank whoever put these two Word docs (Adult scarves from Word Online One Drive and Adult-scarves) together featuring OFFICIAL scarves through the years. It cut down on a lot of work and helped me organize this. I had no idea there were different “eras” of OFFICIAL scarves! Also here’s a shout out to the GS Catalogs website for making this project possible. It is an amazing website. So without further ado, here is your OFFICIAL scarf timeline. When I skip years, that means the offerings are the same as the year(s) prior to it (in most cases). I’ll update this as new OFFICIAL scarves come out, of course.
The first OFFICIAL scarf made its appearance in the catalog. It was listed under OFFICIAL UNIFORM ACCESSORIES as such:
The next design was the Stella Stoat “signature” 8 x 38 ½” scarf that made its debut in 1976 according to one of the Word documents. Or did it? Actually, it first showed up in the 1971 catalog in the girls’ accessories section!
Adult leaders must have spotted this scarf and have worn it UNOFFICIALLY, prompting GSUSA to make it OFFICIALLY part of the adult uniform and priced it at $1.50:
Another 29” colorful OFFICIAL scarf came along to compliment the “signature” scarf procured from the girls’ section and sold for a whopping $4 especially compared to the $1.95 “signature” scarf. Inflation, people!!
The “signature” OFFICIAL scarf grew in size to 10 ½ x 44” and in price to $3.
A Halston scarf was offered as a part of package with a blouse in addition to the “signature” OFFICIAL scarf. Personally, I don’t count this Halston one as OFFICIAL, but I thought I should make mention of it anyway.
Edit 3/7/23: I’m not sure how I missed this, but the 1982 UNOFFICIAL scarf that I have listed below was really released in the 1979 catalog for $8.50 (27″ x 27″). It was marked as neither OFFICIAL nor UNOFFICIAL, but 1982 made the distinction as UNOFFICIAL. I left 1982’s entry below.
An UNOFFICIAL 27 x 27” trefoil scarf ($10!) was added along with the “signature” OFFICIAL scarf which was still hanging in there for $4.75. And GSUSA made it very clear that the new scarf was UNOFFICIAL in the listing!

A travesty occurred – there were no OFFICIAL or UNOFFICIAL scarves. The 1979 Halston scarf was included, but it was part of a matching set and doesn’t count. The “signature” OFFICIAL scarf era was over.
THE OFFICIAL SCARF RETURNS! However, it was just called “a scarf” with no OFFICIAL title. So was it really OFFICIAL? I argue yes. A blue, green, and white 8 x 51” angled one that coordinated with the blouse, dress (aka secret spy jacket), and jacket debuted for $5.
The angled scarf stuck around, but still without an OFFICIAL designation. But what’s this? To add OFFICIAL insult to OFFICIAL injury, there was an OFFICIAL cravat for $10 in its place. No executive board room in the late 80s was without power suits and power cravats, and GSUSA must have believed this late 80s accessory would take the place of the OFFICIAL scarf.
(In case you’re wondering, the first sighting of the navy blue business attire showed up in the 1987 catalog as a blazer. Alex P. Keaton would be proud.)
Thankfully, a new scarf showed up, and this time it was OFFICIAL! And it could be tied in many different ways, unlike the OFFICIAL cravat, which still stuck around as a part of the navy blue business uniform for way too long.

The OFFICIAL cravat was still hanging in there. Was it still really in vogue in the early 90s? An oblong OFFICIAL scarf (3 ¾ x 69” for $7.50) AND a Signature 2-sided OFFICIAL scarf (“Wear green side one day, navy the next!” 31 x 31” $18) arrived.
The OFFICIAL Cravat reign of terror was over, and the Evergreen OFFICIAL scarf era began with a luxurious (yes, it says that) 31” one selling for $20.
Two OFFICIAL scarves entered the scene with one featuring the same design as the 1995 one but oblong (5 1/4 x 60” $15), and a Velcro “Front Knot” OFFICIAL scarf ($12). Okay then. The square Evergreen OFFICIAL scarf was still available.
I would like to interrupt this OFFICIAL scarf narrative with a picture from the 1999 catalog of a scene from GSUSA HQ (note the caption). One day I too imagine myself sitting in the waiting area in NYC and a whole host of GSUSA staff all dressed up in their navy and OFFICIAL scarves come over to greet me warmly. It will be a happy scene just like this:
Another OFFICIAL scarf in the Evergreen line was released, and this one looked just like a checkerboard. The 28 x 28” Checkerboard OFFICIAL scarf retailed for $20.

Another 28 x 28” Evergreen OFFICIAL scarf “of silky polyester” came on the scene for $20. I am going to call this one 70s Signature Throwback OFFICIAL scarf. Checkerboard OFFICIAL Scarf wasn’t available anymore by that point.
You never hear about this, but one of the key components of the Core Business Strategy was to replace evergreen with navy blue as the OFFICIAL business color. I don’t think there was a gap team specifically for this topic though.
The Unifying Look age of OFFICIAL scarves started off with a bang with the GS Legacy OFFICIAL scarf featured on the cover of the catalog. Behold in all its 36 x 36” OFFICIAL scarfiness glory! But its scarfiness came with a hefty price – $75!
However, the new Square GS Promise OFFICIAL scarf (27 x 27”) was a much more affordable $22.
The Striped Oblong OFFICIAL scarf (10 x 60”) was added to the mix for $25.
You thought the GS Legacy OFFICIAL scarf was fancy schmancy? Well, the 100th Anniversary Silk OFFICIAL scarf (15 ½ x 60”) sold for a cool $100! Its nickname is the Original $100 silk OFFICIAL scarf.
Now I’d like to bring up something that might be a little objectionable to some when it comes to the 2011 catalog. I’ve had multiple people come up to me wearing the following and ask me if I like their OFFICIAL scarf, but I have to break it to them that they’re not wearing an OFFICIAL scarf, but an OFFICIAL bandana. See:
GSUSA continued the 100th celebration with a much less expensive 100th Anniversary Logo OFFICIAL scarf (28 x 28”) for $35. People still gazed longingly at the Original $100 silk OFFICIAL scarf though. To this day, they say things like, “You know, I always wanted that $100 silk one… sigh.”
Yet again an OFFICIAL bandana threw a wrench in the works and caused much confusion with this GS Promise one. At least it wasn’t a cravat!
But this can all be pardoned away with the release of my personal favorite – the quintessential 60 x 10″ polka dot OFFICIAL scarf ($35). I even wrote a tribute blog post about its retirement.
There must be some GS peeps rolling in dough because another $100 silk oblong OFFICIAL scarf (13 x 60”) came out in 2013.
After a 3 year hiatus in which everyone was swimming in OFFICIAL scarves, the retro badge OFFICIAL scarf (60 x 10”) appeared for $45. Additionally, an oblong version (14 x 66”) of the GS Promise OFFICIAL scarf was also available for $45. Included were instructions on how to wear this OFFICIAL scarf. Were people wearing them too tight, or were there concerns that wearing it ascot-style would frustrate members? Interesting.
But wait – what’s this? An OFFICIAL Volunteer scarf ($12)? Yes, that’s right! This is my go-to scarf at troop meetings and when I want to embarrass our older girls. Be sure to see the pictures of me in Yellowstone when I publish our adventures in the near future.
I was a little torn when reminded about this scarf inspired by the G.I.R.L. theme because it doesn’t say it’s OFFICIAL in the catalog. Just “Infinity Scarf.” But what the heck. I’ll include it anyway. For $20, it was all yours!

Is it possible to have too many OFFICIAL scarves? No, it’s not. The Watercolor Infinity OFFICIAL scarf ($25) and the Folkart OFFICIAL scarf ($48) were two more, although personally I don’t consider the Watercolor Infinity a true OFFICIAL scarf since it’s that circular kind (but no Velcro, so there’s that). But it’s listed in the catalog as one, so we’ll go with it.
There is a full page in the 2019 catalog dedicated to OFFICIAL scarves. We have the NEW Gold Award OFFICIAL scarf ($39), the Lifetime Membership OFFICIAL scarf ($39), and the return of the 2008 Square GS Promise OFFICIAL scarf ($39). And while it might look more casual than the others, there’s the lightweight Trefoil Design OFFICIAL scarf ($22).
If I remember correctly, our [former] National CEO Sylvia Acevedo had a scarf especially designed for her at the 2017 National Convention. There was a booth in the Hall of Experience where you could enter a drawing to win it. Alas, I didn’t win, and I have no idea why I didn’t take a picture. If you have a picture of it, I would appreciate it if you could send it to me!
Now councils have gotten into the scarf business! Check out the collection of Council’s Own OFFICIAL scarves!
As I said earlier, I’ll add to this timeline as the years pass. I’d like to point out that right now, we are living in a golden era of OFFICIAL scarfdom. Enjoy it, people!
Addendum 2/25/20: GSUSA sent an email to Lifetime Members announcing a new limited-time “Girl Scout Scarf,” but it’s unknown as of yet if it’s OFFICIAL or not. However, it clocks in at a cool $150, so I believe it can be anything it wants to be. It was designed by fashion designer and philanthropist Diane von Furstenberg. I’m calling it the “It’s How Much!?!” OFFICIAL scarf.

Addendum 3/13/20: There’s a REAL OFFICIAL SCARF SHOWCASE!
Addendum 3/31/22: A new scarf was released by GSUSA in late 2021, but it wasn’t labeled as OFFICIAL on the GSUSA online store. Also there were some questionable things said about it. My original intention was to not include it here, but the new National CEO, Sofia Chang, wore it in her first picture with GSUSA, so after some debate, the decision was made to graduate it to OFFICIAL status. So here’s the OFFICIAL Legacy scarf!
Addendum 8/2/23: I wrote about these next two new OFFICIAL scarves a year ago, but negligently didn’t add them to the SHOWCASE! Whoops!
Half Dot OFFICIAL Scarf made its 13” x 44” debut at $24 and doesn’t use the typical square or rectangle shape but a diamond one:
The Tetris OFFICIAL Scarf (really the Pleated Color Block OFFICIAL Scarf) sells for $32 at 24” x 49″ and doesn’t feature any Girl Scout logos or colors. The description says, “Pair it with a trefoil scarf slide at an official Girl Scout event or wear it as an accent piece with your favorite evening dress.” I suppose this OFFICIAL scarf is all business in the front and a party in the back. Like a mullet. But GSUSA says it’s OFFICIAL so …. <shrug>.
And the 2023 Convention brought not just long security lines, Disney songs, and heat & humidity, but a 36″ x 36″ OFFICIAL scarf as well! It features Phenom’s futuristic artwork that didn’t make any sense plus a pattern inspired by the flooring at the Coronado Springs Convention Center. It sold out immediately at $32!
I have both the new gold and Lifetime membership ones. I have asked GSUSA on how we are expected to wear them and their answer was “we’ll pass this onto our product team”. I’m still waiting. So, if any one has suggestions on wearing either of them, please pass along. (They are more like squares than scarves so very little to work with.). I’ve also asked how the trefoil slide should be worn with a full size scarf because the trefoil actually winds up sideways. Again, I’ll take any and all suggestions.
Here you go! What’s ironic is that I’m actually not very good at tying them!
Not official kne but you missed the white polka dot infinity scarf.
Do you know what year this came out? I didn’t see it in a catalog.
It came out in 2919.
What page is it on? I’m not finding it:
The one from the 2017 National Council Meeting?
I forgot about that one! I will add it. But I could have sworn Sylvia had one specifically designed for her at the 2017 convention. There was a booth where you could enter a drawing for it. Did I dream this? I did feel like I was in some surreal dimension that whole week so maybe I did.
I’m a life time member and I don’t think I will purchase that scarf. I’m not much into the square style. I’ve worn the on a ponytail or as a head band. I prefer the oblong scarves. I would pick a scarf that goes with vintage of your uniform.
What a selection of scarves! I do not think I would purchase the Lifetime Scarf, it is square and seems to be a problem with wearing it. I like the oblong ones. But seriously, some of the original ones that came out?? I’m glad I didn’t wear them,,, just saying! Even as vintage, they were a little spooky! Can’t National come out with ONE and leave it at that? These are not cheap.
But then there would be no OFFICIAL scarf showcase! But in all seriousness, just buy one if you really want an OFFICIAL scarf and be done with it! In fact, you don’t even have to if you’re not interested. Here is an article that goes into more depth about our uniform policy:
Just scored the 1970’s scarf on Ebay. I love it and can’t wait until it arrives.
I bought one and I stick with it. “Once official,…” I got the Promise scarf, which has UNOFFICIALLY become the UNOFFICIAL (but popular) Historian’s Scarf. Actually, I have two; the square one from 2009, and the rectangular from 2011. I bought them both on Ebay to get them cheaper. I generally wear the square, like a neckerchief with a slide from the 1950’s camp uniform. I’d like to wear the long scarf with my dress-blues, but it’s TOO long. If I put it around my neck under the shirt collar and use a slide, it hangs down halfway to my knees! If I tie it like an ascot and tuck it under my jacket, it hangs out below the jacket hem! I like the idea of the Vintage Badge scarf, and might wear that if it were truly vintage. The badges shown on it are 1990’s and as a Girl Scout of the 60’s, I just can’t bring myself to consider that “vintage”.
I think the retro badge one is a combination of ones from different eras, because there are some on it that weren’t available in the 80s and 90s. And interesting about the GS Promise OFFICIAL scarf became the Historian’s one! Thank you for sharing!
I don’t think it was ever Officially decided, but out of all the scarves the Historians could wear, the vast majority pick the Promise scarf. I guess it just says something to them
I agree, the Promise scarf my favorite.
The models in the pics are neither Shelly Long nor Candace Burgan aka “Murphy Brown”
Yes, I know.
I picked up the DVF one for $25 on clearance. Helps to wait it out. hehe
I have five of these beautiful scarves throughout the years, who knew there were so many! Now I wish I had the Lifetime scarf.., and aren’t we proud to wear them all..
I have a few of the scarves and the square promise one looks very classy and elegent with my navy suit for formal scout occassions. I don’t get the last two scarves. They just aren’t “Girl Scouty” enough for me. This site was really fun to puruse! Thanks