The Yellowstone Trip: Three Years in the Making (Part Three)
This is the third installment in a five-part series about our troop’s trip to Yellowstone in 2019. Here are the first two posts: Part One and Part Two.
Day Three was THE DAY OF GEYSERS and more! Since our trip was cut short a day due to a bird accident, we had to cram in as much as possible which meant getting up at 6am to get moving. This made for some long days, but how many times do you get to go to Yellowstone in your life? And there’s so much to see! Another benefit of getting up so early is that you’ll beat the crowds, especially the ones who are staying outside of the park. It takes a while to drive in to the sights, and you risk getting caught in buffalo traffic. And it’s not like there’s an OPEN sign that you have to wait on, so we got going as soon as we could.
So up we got, ate breakfast in the rooms, and headed first to Biscuit Basin and quickly caught a few geysers and hot springs, including the famous Sapphire Pool, which had a lot of steam coming off of it due to how crisp it was.