September 23 2021

I Wrote a Strongly Worded Letter

National Operations    4 Comments    , , , , ,

Yes, believe it or not.  I did, and the recipients were the National Board, Karen Layng (our National President), and Judith Batty (our interim National CEO).  Again.  But this time, it was regarding Volunteer Systems 2.0 (or as I’ve called it in the past, CEI).  Last week, I got a wild hair and posted an open letter to the NB in the Convention Chat Facebook group basically stating that they need to get off their heinies and do something about how poorly the registration process is designed and executed in Volunteer Systems 2.0 because it’s costing us members.   It was very off-the-cuff.  I am not a big fan of open letters but I just felt like getting it off my chest.  A couple of people encouraged me to send it to the National Board office, but I declined because I felt like I’d get ignored and therefore it would be a waste of time.  The thinking was (and still is) that if council CEOs and staff are getting blown off regarding VS 2.0, then of course I would be too. Continue reading