2022-23 National Programming Summaries

A while back, I wanted to streamline the Badge Explorer (which has a lot of wasted space for printing) and include all of the awards that aren’t featured. So I put together these summaries of each level, and I update them every year. I’ve made them every year for the past few, and I recently realized I had never published them on my blog!
Updates for 2022-23 include:
- Retired financial planning badges removed
- New badges added
- Global Action & World Thinking Day Awards added
- Daisy petals updated
You can download them using the Dropbox links below:
Daisies: https://www.dropbox.com/s/31jaqugf698ggbj/Daisy%20Badges-Journeys-Awards%202022-2023.pdf?dl=0
Brownies: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nywupb1fo7se3gw/Brownie%20Badges%20Journeys%20Awards%202022-23.pdf?dl=0
Juniors: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v1mdz819qd9paek/Junior%20Badges-Journeys-Awards%202022-2023.pdf?dl=0
Cadettes: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x5ycgex62un41y2/Cadette%20Badges%20Journeys%20Awards%202022-2023.pdf?dl=0
Seniors: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a4wndgk2c7dtk4j/Senior%20Badges-Journeys-Awards%202022-2023.pdf?dl=0
Ambassadors: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k7wmcgz18tdb4bx/Ambassador%20Badges%20Journeys%20and%20Awards%202022-2023.pdf?dl=0
thank you!
Typo on the bottom of page 14 of the Daisy summary – reads “If you complete all three Brownie Journeys, you’ll earn the Brownie Journey Summit award.” Picture is correct
Thanks! It’s been fixed along with a couple of other type-o’s in the other files.
Thank you for the updated files … very useful tools!
Thank you! I’ll be sharing these with my troop tonight – first meeting is all about planning the next year’s badges.
Thank you! ::::sharing::::
Am I missing something? Why exactly are you publishing these?
Because the Badge Explorer printout has a lot of wasted space and doesn’t include the additional awards.