What? Troop 20’s trip to National Center West was featured in the newspaper? You don’t say! Here’s our obligatory picture in the Athens Banner-Herald that ran not too long after we got back from our trip in 1987: Continue reading
Well, if there’s anything that’ll make you feel old, it’s realizing how long ago something happened when it feels like just yesterday. Later this summer, Jenny and I are planning on getting together to go through all of her Troop 20 pictures and scrapbooks and reminisce! I gotta figure out how to bring along a scanner!
Lately, the National Center West Facebook group has been very active with the planning of an archive. Some of the 1987 staff members are in the group too! And just by coincidence, this is the 30th anniversary of Troop 20 taking our Trip Out West! We arrived at NCW on Sunday, June 28th and left on Tuesday, July 7th of 1987. You could create your own schedule by choosing from a variety of sessions. Here was mine! Continue reading
I’m not really sure if there’s an analogy to the movie BTTF here, but it’s my favorite movie and I just wanted to add a picture of it here.
In April’s post titled Surveys, Rogues, and Signs, I mentioned the Farthest North Council’s lawsuit vs. GSUSA over the 2017-2018 membership increase from $15 to $25. At that time, I was under the impression that the National Council (delegates) had turned over authority to raise membership dues to the National Board during the 2008 National Convention. I made a sarcastic comment as well. I’d like to apologize for that comment, because after reviewing the 2008 proposal (#4 to be exact) and what is stated in the Blue Book, the National Council did in fact NOT give that power away. In fact, it is my opinion that the National Board overstepped its bounds in 2016 and was not and still is not authorized to increase dues. Continue reading
Here’s a collection of Camp WaBak patches that I’ve come across so far. If you have any to add, please email a picture to me at amy@dawgtoons.com. Thanks! I’ll update this post with any additions.
For the past few years, I’ve heard a ton about national conventions. I was looking forward to finally being able to go to one since I didn’t even consider going in 2014 due to the distance. Everybody kept telling me how much I would enjoy them. Continue reading
For the 2015-2016 year, I decided to tally up my hours to see if I was close on my estimation of 300 hours volunteered for Girl Scouts. So I continued to track my hours for this past year – why not at this point and just compare and contrast them from year to year? So here’s the tally for Oct 1st, 2016 to May 31st, 2017! I’ll continue tracking them through Sept 30th to add them up for the full fiscal year. Continue reading
I’m not a big fan of “open letters” because I think they are passive aggressive. I’ve always said I hope the authors of these open letters at some point confront whoever it is they are taking to task. So based on that criteria, the following is not an open letter but a strongly worded one. Before writing this blog post, I’ve had discussions on Facebook at various times with multiple people who have made the following statement including an admin who shared the same attitude. And I will continue to press when I see it on display again. If someone says it to me in person, thar she blows! Continue reading
In my neighborhood in Washington, D.C., the local Boy Scout troop goes camping once a month and the Girl Scouts go three times a year. Chalk one up for the boys. Only 40 percent of Girl Scouts, in fact, do any kind of outdoor activity on a monthly basis. Although half of all Girl Scouts rate camping as a favorite activity, only 3 percent go out and pitch a tent every month. Four percent go hiking monthly, and 19 percent go walking, an activity that sets a pretty low bar.
And right on cue, it brought out some of the people who love to compare BSA to Girl Scouts (which is another rant for another time) and also the ones who like to bash Girl Scouts for not going on enough camping trips. Or just blame GSUSA for everything under the sun. Then throw in a parent who whines that Girl Scouts “failed” their daughter – whatever that means (yet another rant for another time). But they are being extremely unfair to GS leaders, and I have to say I take their comments personally because the volunteer base is a big portion of what encompasses “Girl Scouts.” Continue reading
I’ll be honest – the past few weeks have been bummers Girl Scout-wise on many levels, but I’m looking forward to our Cadette camping trip to the GS Weekend at Chimney Rock next week. The sun’ll come out… tomorrow!
Here’s a flashback Troop 20 post. I haven’t done one of these in a while.
When we became Juniors, it was time for us to pick our own troop crest. I was so excited to finally get one! Being the Girl Scout nerd that I was at the time (because you know, I’m not one now), I remember looking over the available troop crests and wondering – would we have a bluebird? Or a pine cone? Maybe even a clover! Continue reading
Customer: I am so excited about going to Burgers R Us! I grew up going there and I love the cheeseburgers! Burgers R Us: Hi, welcome to Burgers R Us! What can I help you with today? Customer: Thanks! I’d like a cheeseburger. Burgers R Us: Here you go. That’ll be $5. Customer: Aren’t you going to put it together for me instead of just handing me the pieces? Burgers R Us: No. Customer: How will I know how to put it together? Burgers R Us: Just go over to that table and figure it out. Customer: I don’t understand. Burgers R Us: You’ll figure it out. Continue reading