Restructuring and Membership Numbers
Ever since I started reading about the changes GSUSA made right before I began as a volunteer, I have been very curious about how we got to the point we are today and what happened between the time I finished as a girl in 1989 to when I started back as a volunteer in 2010. I joined in the middle of a very big upheaval on both the national and council level and had no background knowledge as to what had gone on just a few years earlier. I just knew something major had happened. And I wanted to know what, how, and why. Now I’m sure some people will say there’s no point in this exercise of mine because it’s water under the bridge, and we should concentrate on moving forward. I agree about moving forward, but I also disagree about there being no point to rehashing what happened. I am very much a big picture kind of person, and I would like to know the history and background of this upheaval to better understand how to move forward in the correct direction. That’s just the way I work. Plus I’m a big Girl Scout nerd, so why not? 😉 Continue reading