September 21 2016

National CEO Survey

National Operations, Opinions    1 Comment    , , ,

The other day I came across a link for a survey that someone had shared on the GSUSA Are You Listening? Facebook Page in which GSUSA is asking for input on qualities that should be considered during the search for the new National CEO.  It was sent via email, although the source was not revealed.  I’m guessing it came from a council newsletter, because the text stated that the survey link could be shared with volunteers, parents, or girls.  So I thought I’d check it out too, and I’m assuming it’s okay to share it.  Here’s the link to the survey.  It is due September 30th.

One question asked what challenges we think the National CEO will face in the next 2 to 5 years.  I would like to share my response.  It made me very sad to write this, and I even felt a little depressed afterwards.  But I thought I’d share it anyway:  Continue reading

September 8 2016

Restructuring and Membership Numbers

National Governance, National Operations, Opinions    11 Comments    , , , , , ,

Trefoil ThinkingEver since I started reading about the changes GSUSA made right before I began as a volunteer, I have been very curious about how we got to the point we are today and what happened between the time I finished as a girl in 1989 to when I started back as a volunteer in 2010.  I joined in the middle of a very big upheaval on both the national and council level and had no background knowledge as to what had gone on just a few years earlier.  I just knew something major had happened.  And I wanted to know what, how, and why.  Now I’m sure some people will say there’s no point in this exercise of mine because it’s water under the bridge, and we should concentrate on moving forward.  I agree about moving forward, but I also disagree about there being no point to rehashing what happened.  I am very much a big picture kind of person, and I would like to know the history and background of this upheaval to better understand how to move forward in the correct direction.  That’s just the way I work.  Plus I’m a big Girl Scout nerd, so why not? 😉  Continue reading

September 4 2016


Random Things That Don't Fit Anywhere Else Kinda Like Me    2 Comments    , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Behold! The OFFICIAL Scarf!

I realized the other day that I’ve been referring to the OFFICIAL Scarf throughout this blog with no explanation.  People ask, “What’s the deal with this scarf thing?”  Finally, I am going to explain the story behind the OFFICIAL Scarf!  Hold on to your hats!  Or scarves!  This is probably one of those times when something is funny to you, but once you explain it to someone else, you realize (usually while you’re telling it and watching their facial expressions) it probably sounds very bizarre and not really funny at all.  At least that’s the impression I get when I tell my husband a story like this.  That said, he gives me strange looks for most of the things I tell him.  Well, I’m going to share it anyway.  You’ve been forewarned.  Continue reading

August 22 2016

Governance vs. Operations vs. Kittens

Delegate Duties    5 Comments    , , , , ,

Welcome back to the second installment of Delegate Duties, the most exciting thing to hit the blogosphere since the launch of!  If you missed the first go-around, start there.  It’s not necessary to read them in order, but if you’re new to the delegate scene, it’s probably a good idea.

If there is one topic that I think trips up delegates the most and causes everyone the most frustration, it’s the Governance vs. Operations issue.  It’s something that’s usually covered in most delegate trainings, but I think it tends to go over delegates’ heads for a couple of reasons.  I’ll go into that later after defining the difference.

You can find a more thorough explanation here in this Governance vs. Operations article that’s a part of the Council Delegate Primer found on
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August 18 2016

Cadette Handbooks

Troop Leader Resources    1 Comment    , , , , , ,

cadettesHave you woken up yet from the boring first edition of Delegate Duties?  I’m sure you are on the edge of your seat waiting for the next installment!  Just wait until I write about such exciting topics as Governance vs. Operations!

[Reverting back to normal leader mode.]

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to Girl Scout Leaders.  It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity.  It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of Leaders’ fears and the summit of their knowledge.  This is the dimension of imagination.  It is an area which we call…

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August 14 2016

Delegate Duties or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Board

Delegate Duties    4 Comments    , , , , , ,

No Doomsday Machines here.

Congratulations!  You’re a council delegate.  So now what?

You can find a more thorough explanation and more in-depth articles about council governance on the Council Delegate Primer found on

I hear and read from delegates and volunteers who want to have some kind of voice in their council, but they are unsure how to go about this.  The process can be very intimidating and overwhelming.  Many delegates and volunteers become frustrated and discouraged when they attend meetings with board and staff members, but in many cases, it’s because they are not familiar with the way these business meetings work or understand the relationships within a non-profit.   Or they are facing difficult people and politics are being played.  Regardless, you have to know the system in order to work within it.  With this new category called Delegate Duties, I would like to share what I have learned as someone who had no prior experience with non-profits and no real knowledge about governance.  I’m sure the fact that I’m still nowhere close to being an authority on these matters inspires confidence.  Yes, I’m being sarcastic.  But after hours and hours of poring through extremely boring jargon, procedures, and organizational charts, you too can be a non-authority, just like me!  Continue reading

August 11 2016

Camp Mary Elizabeth’s Cabin

Traditional Stuff    2 Comments    , ,

CME Cabin Outside

Did you know there’s a historical cabin located at Camp Mary Elizabeth?  Not many people do!

Little is known about it since it was first discovered back in 1992.  According to articles from the Spartanburg Herald Journal, it was uncovered when the building that housed it was condemned.  Thankfully, the owners of the property contacted the Spartanburg County Historical Society who then got in touch with what was known as the Piedmont Area Council at the time to see if they would be interested in hosting the cabin.  Continue reading

August 2 2016

City Slickers 2016

Experiences as a Leader, Ideas    2 Comments    , , , , , , , , , ,

Our Feelin' Good patch from this year
Our Feelin’ Good patch from this year

City Slickers 2016 is in the books as of a few weeks ago!  If you don’t know what City Slickers is, it’s an almost week long summer camp that our service unit puts on.  It’s hosted by our local United Methodist Church of which I also attend.  This year was the 10th anniversary of the camp and my second as one of the Junior leaders. Our theme this year was “Feelin’ Good” which centered around Healthy Living so that girls could use Cookie Dough toward payment for the camp.  There are three areas that service units can center programming around in order to be reimbursed by our council for the use of Cookie Dough – a cookie rally, STEM, and Healthy Living.  Continue reading

July 29 2016

If I Were CEO of GSUSA!

National Operations, Opinions    3 Comments    , , , , , , , ,

gsusa overlordOriginally I saw this question posed in a GS Facebook group and wasn’t planning on writing up anything, but then Sylvia Acevedo, the GSUSA Interim CEO, asked for input via the GSUSA blog.  So here we go!  I wrote this very quickly because I am still trying to catch up from being gone all last week due to our City Slickers camp plus we are finally going on vacation so I’m trying to get a lot done in a small amount of time.  But procrastination calls!

Before getting underway with my list, I would first rename my title from GSUSA CEO to GSUSA Overlord and make a cape with this spelled out on the back.  In sparkly lettering.

Now that I’ve gotten that silliness out of my system, I’ll be serious.  Continue reading