Camp Mary Elizabeth’s History
For those of you who are not familiar with it, Camp Mary Elizabeth is a Girl Scout camp located in Spartanburg, South Carolina. It’s a neat little camp, and it has its own sweet charm. It’s one out of only two urban Girl Scout camps in the United States. I had my outdoor training there, and it’s where I took our troop camping for the first time. Our troop has participated in a few events there as well. It’s got a lot of potential. There’s also some drama in its past. Maybe we could even consider it a soap opera! But not one of those Telemundo novelas. We wouldn’t know what was being said anyway. ¡Qué terrible!
In January of 1947, Dr. W.S. Zimmerman left 28 acres in his will to the (then) Spartanburg Girl Scout council provided that the land always be called Camp Mary Elizabeth as a memorial to Dr. Zimmerman’s mother, Elizabeth Simpson Zimmerman, and her daughter, Mary Zimmerman Ward (Dr. Zimmerman’s sister). A memorial marker would always have to remain on the property as well. More acreage was added in 1952 and 1953. Continue reading