Happy World Thinking Day!
If I were to design a patch for World Thinking Day, it’d look like this:
So Happy World Thinking Day! ::ponders World Thinking Day::
Troop 20 Top Cookie Sellers!
Here’s a clipping from the 1984 Athens Banner-Herald newspaper about our troop selling the most cookies in our council. We were the top sellers for seven years five years in a row at the end of our run! Another memory about that later!
Caroline and Jenny were always neck and neck for who could sell the most cookies. It created a lot of excitement each year – who would be #1?? Would it be Jenny? Or Caroline? Or maybe someone else (ha ha)? I can’t take the tension! The pressure’s too much! Continue reading
J-Low Money!
Thanks to Karri Cross from the GS Gab Facebook group for making these awesome dollars for girls to use to practice money changing skills! Mo’ money! Continue reading
Why I Don’t Think We Should #banbossy
I don’t think we should ban the word bossy.
As you all know, the latest 4 color glossy GSUSA PR campaign has been “Ban Bossy.” Here’s the description per the banbossy.com website:
When a little boy asserts himself, he’s called a “leader.” Yet when a little girl does the same, she risks being branded “bossy.” Words like bossy send a message: don’t raise your hand or speak up. By middle school, girls are less interested in leading than boys—a trend that continues into adulthood. Together we can encourage girls to lead.
So you say – “Amy, what’s wrong with that? You don’t agree?” Continue reading
Side business?
Maybe we should buy a whole bunch of these and sell them along side the cookies for a profit at our booth sales. 😉
This Kitchen Gadget Locks Your Cookies Away So You Can’t Eat The Whole Box In One Sitting:
A nifty gadget called the Kitchen Safe secures the lid on your treat jar and prevents those with a sweet tooth from mindless eating. It’s like a temporary sugar restraining order. The safe is equipped with a lock and a timer. Users can bolt their box of goodies for as short as one minute to as long as ten days, and there are no overrides. In other words, the box can’t be opened until the timer hits zero.
H/T Huffington Post
Other GS Cookie Memes That I Didn’t Make
Here are some of my favorites. Again, I’ll add to them as I come across ones that I particularly like. If you have some to share, post them in the comments! Looking for more? Continue reading
2015 GS Cookie Memes
And here are this year’s! I’ll add to them as I go. Looking for more? And yes, you are welcome to use these! Continue reading
Last year’s GS Cookie Memes
I’ve created a few GS Cookie memes using some online Meme Generator sites.* Looking for more? Here are last year’s: Continue reading
It only took 25 years
You’ll all be glad to know that I finally finished sewing the last two badges (Backpacking and Camping) on my senior sash. It only took 25 years. The safety pins were even rusted. But it’s done! FWIW, I got these two at my Gold Award presentation and just forgot I had only pinned them on since I never wore my sash after that. Continue reading