Just Some Light Reading
So hey, what’s on my reading list you ask? Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th edition. Woo weee! Side note: I’m also reading Cat’s Cradle by Vonnegut, but that’s a different topic and has nothing to do with Girl Scouts. I guess. I’m serving as a service unit delegate in my council, and while reading through our by-laws and the Girl Scout constitution, I realized that I really had no idea how an official meeting is run and what all of the terms truly mean. Sure, you kind of act like you do if you have a casual meeting with any organization, but who knows this stuff? And who trudges through 716 pages of parliamentary procedure? Apparently I do. At this point, I’m about halfway through, and the meeting is tomorrow. I shoulda gotten the condensed or the Parliamentary Rules for Dummies version. Oh well. But I did find some online basics that I can at least print out. I’ve read enough to hopefully have a better understanding than I did before. Plus, we are supposed to have training in the morning for us newbies, so maybe I’m just being an overachiever. Continue reading